Chapter 5, The test

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Naruto woke up the next day with a smile feeling Sakura's naked body cuddled up next to him. "GOOD JOB LOVER BOY!" Kurama said all of a sudden startling Naruto. "Ahhh Kurama!" He falls out of bed and hits his head. "What the hell you pervert!" He yelled at him. "SORRY NARUTO... I'VE WANTED TO SAY SOMETHING AFTER OR WHEN YOU HAD SEX BUT THAT WOULD HAVE RUINED THE MOMENT!" Kurama said with a smirk. "UGHHH! WE'RE ARE NOT YOUR PORN BOOK KURAMA!" He screamed at him. "NARUTO KUN?!" Sakura said startled climbing out of bed. "What the hell is going on?!" Naruto sighs then points to his seal. "Just Kurama being a loud pervert again..." Sakura gets angry then yells at the seal. "OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR LOOKING AT PERV! Naruto what did he say?" She asked. Naruto sweat dropped, then he made up a believable lie. "He just said he was staring at us having sex 'jerking off' in his chambers..." He lies to her. "OH I'LL SHOW HIM!!!" She said before raising her fist. "NO SAKURA WAIT! REMBER THAT I-" He immediately got punched by Sakura to his seal, Kurama also felt immense pain. "OWW!" Naruto cries in pain. "Naruto?" She looks down at him and notices the already purple bruise she had just made. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She goes over to where she knocked him and starts healing him. Naruto smiled and decided to hug Sakura close and kiss her forehead. "N-naruto kun?" Sakura smiles with a blush.

 "N-naruto kun?" Sakura smiles with a blush

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"Sakura chan... Your forehead is so wide and charming! It made me feel like kissing it!" Naruto chuckled and reminded and revealed to her of what he said when he disguised as Sasuke back when they were kids. Sakura blushed a bright red, but then smirked. "You sly fox... If I knew that was you back then I would have killed you, but our team had just started..." All the memories came flooding back to Sakura, Naruto loved and cared for her while had Sasuke neglected and hated her. "Naruto... I-I'm sorry for everything..." Sakura's face falls into his shoulder and she starts to cry. "S-sakura?" Naruto didn't understand but comforted her. "What do you mean? What's wrong?" She cried more soaking his shoulder with tears. "The way I treated you! All our life I barley gave you a chance! I bullied you and hurt you! And you just kept being there for me, supporting me! I don't deserve-" Naruto silenced her with a desperate passionate kiss. Sakura blushed and kissed him back. "I don't deserve you!" She said finishing her sentence with a pant. "Baka... You deserve me... Don't you dare say that you don't!" Naruto said with a loving anger. "Even after what I have done?" She stopped sobbing and sniffles. "Of course! Sakura you may have beat and bullied me but... I know the real you..." He holds her hand tight and rapped his fingers around her own. "You've shown me the sweet Sakura, the true loving Sakura... And nobody has seen that other than me!" He chuckles and smiles bright. "Naruto kun..." She smiles and blushes a rose red. He blushes just as bright and kisses her again. "I love you Naruto kun... Never forget that Baka!" Sakura and Naruto both laugh after her statement. "Still never gonna stop calling me an idiot huh?" Sakura hugged him close and rested her head on his chest. "Not in a million years... Plus I meant that with love ya know..." Naruto laughed softly and nodded. "Alright Sakura chan... Just a little more hugging then I got to go do my Jonin exams!" Sakura pouts then huffs. "Ok finnnnnnnnnnneeeeeee!" 

*Ten minutes later*

"Goodbye Naruto kun!" Sakura waves goodbye as Naruto runs off to take his Jonin exams. Sakura was happy, after he came back from his 2 to 3 year training she always wanted to be with him. "I love you so much Naruto kun!" Sakura giggles and lays on the bed, pulling out the same picture of Naruto she had kissed the other day. She was on cloud nine cause of dating him! "I'm so glad I'm dating him rather than begging to date emo boy for the rest of my life!" She laughs hard to herself but then feels a pain in her belly/chest. "Huh?" She observes herself but then shrugs. "Must be a stomach ache!" But she felt it again and again wincing in pain every time she felt it. "Uggh what is wrong with me?" She thinks to herself then smiles. "I did tell him he could impregnate me... Maybe he actually did..." So she goes to the bathroom and pulls out a pregnancy test, she looks at it for a moment with a frown. "M-maybe he won't like this... We're only barely dating since yesterday..." She shakes it off though and does the test, once she is done she has a big smile but also had multiple emotions in her head. "Naruto... You are going to  be a father... I hope you aren't mad once you get home..."

5 hours later Naruto comes home and sighs and relaxes into his chair, he had just finished his Jonin exam and very easily completed it because of his powers, but that didn't mean that he wasn't tired.  "Welcome back sexy" Sakura said raping her arms around him from behind. "You're still here?" Naruto asks with a small smile. "I would never leave you..." She says kissing his cheek lightly making the blonde blush. "Naruto... I have some news... It's your opinion if you find it good or bad but please let me explain..." Sakura said with a sigh sitting down on his lap. "Hmmm what's up?" He says caressing her cheek worried. "Naruto kun... You are going to be a father..."

"I'm pregnant..."

(OMG I'm so sorry I left you guys for 2 months! That's way too long! What happened was that classes got super stressful at my college and I didn't have any time to write! But I didn't forget about this book and I never will! So an update with the idea for the rest of the story then? Yes indeed! The next chapter will introduce the main antagonist and will reveal why this story is called 'Be Mine'. And no it is not Sakura! This should be interesting... I haven't seen this character as a villain on any Fanfiction I have see and in fact she is wildly praised... Now what I write doesn't mean I hate the character ok?!?! I'm sick and tired of the whole Sakuratard/Hinatatard term put on people! It doesn't matter what anime characters you like! Anyways be ready for the next chapter coming Sunday! Note I do not own Naruto and this is just a fan story, All characters and some story elements were created by Kishimoto!)

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