Chapter 2, I love you...

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Those words kept dancing back into Naruto's head, Sakura the other day: "Good cause I love you

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Those words kept dancing back into Naruto's head, Sakura the other day: "Good cause I love you..." He walks into his kitchen and boils some water for his morning tea. "I'm overthinking things..." He sits down with a sigh. "Like she said... Only as a friend..." He looks at a framed picture of him and Sasuke in anger. "What do you have that I don't!!" He chucks it across the kitchen and the glass breaks with a SMASH! "No no no!" He runs over to it and sighs. "I did not mean to do that..." He cleans up his mess with a near by broom and dust pan, then sits back down looking at the now unframed picture. "You're a lucky bastard...." He sighs again and grabs the boiling water and puts it into a cup that already had a tea bag inside.

Sakura was home alone, she was tossing and turning in bed thinking of her missed opportunity to finally be with Naruto. "Why! Why Sakura?! You had the perfect chance right there!" She gets angry and throws a pillow at her wall. "I shouldn't hide it! I have moved on from that duck butt emo, I love Naruto and him only!" She falls back into her bed and pulls out a picture of Naruto out of her pocket. "Naruto kun..." She stares at it more then kisses Naruto's lips softly. "Let's just hope I'll get to kiss the real one tonight..." She giggles to herself and walks out of her house to prepare the perfect scenery for Naruto's... Second kiss uhh... Third kiss? Oh whatever! Naruto's technically first kiss but with a girl alright?!

It's now dusk and Naruto sits on his roof watching the sunset alone when suddenly someone threw a rock at him then he catches it. "Freak!" An adult male runs away then Naruto sighs again. Even after he had saved everyone from Pain's invasion or the war, he still has some of the adults and elders that won't forget the time the Nine Tailed Fox destroyed the village and was sealed inside Naruto. "Is that why she only treats me as a friend?" He asks Kurama. "NARUTO... YOU ARE OVER THINKING THINGS MAN! SHE LOVES YOU STILL, IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF ME THAT SHE WON'T BE WITH YOU..." He hears Kurama say. "Y-you're right... Plus I haven't even asked her out on a date! So she still treats me as a friend cause that's all I am to her now!" "EXACTLY! SO THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE HER, I BETTER BE SEEING KISSIE LIPS!" Naruto laughs then nods. "Thank you Kurama... I'm glad we became friends instead of inner and outer enemies..." "OF COURSE NARUTO... THANK YOU FOR CHANGING ME FOR THE BETTER..." Naruto smiles then hears a voice outside. "Naruto!? Can you come outside? We need to talk!" He blushes realizing that was Sakura's voice at his door. "KISSIE LIPS LOVER BOY!" Kurama reminds him. Naruto nods then flips off the roof to see Sakura still in front of his door. "Oh man I guess he's not here..." Sakura sighs then turns around to walk away but she then sees Naruto. "Oh did you just get home?" She asks. "No I was on the roof, watching the sunset when I heard your voice call me..."He replies. She blushes then nods, "Y-yes... I need to talk to you about last night..." "Sakura It's-" "Just shut up and come with me Baka!" She yells. Naruto nods then follows her.

Naruto and Sakura walk in silence for what had seemed hours, but were just mere minutes. "Here we are!" Sakura says with excitement. "A-a picnic?" Naruto's eyes widen.

"YES HEHE!" Sakura giggles takes his hand and drags him over to the picnic

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"YES HEHE!" Sakura giggles takes his hand and drags him over to the picnic. Naruto sits down with her then Sakura releases his hand. "It's nothing much..." Sakura blushes and hands him a little cake from the picnic basket. Naruto smiles then takes a bite, "Thank you it's delicious..." Her eyes sparkle with joy then she giggles. "Thank you so much! I made them myself!" She then remembers why she brought him here then sighs.

"N-Naruto... I love you not as a friend but... I really love you as a lover, the way I felt about Sasuke doesn't compare to how much I love you..."

(End of chapter 2! Wow I am having a lot of fun with this! I will 1000% be doing more chapters! Note, I do not own the characters of Naruto and they were made by Kishimoto!)

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