Rose x Captain Deadbeard reader

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I ran as fast as I could. These plants are going to vanquish me. As I was running away from them, I felt a sharp pain hitting me on the back. I fell down on the ground. I tried to get up, but I got hit again. Everything around me is going black as I feel my eyes starting to close. The last thing I see was something coming towards me and then everything went black...

"Ugh...." I slowly open my eyes only to see my vision blurry. "W-where am I?" I said as I adjusted my vision to see that I'm in a jail cell. I got up and look around. "Are you sure about this? He's a zombie! We can't trust him!" "Come on, I know he's a zombie, but I know zombies can be friends with us." I hear voices as I listen. There was a Sunflower nurse and a Snapdragon.

"You're awake. There's someone you get to meet." The Nurse Flower said as she opened the jail door and used her healing beam to heal me, but I was already at full health. I was confused. Who am I going to meet? Before I walked out of the jail cell, Snapdragon growled at me and said. "You better not do anything suspicious!" "Y-yes sir." I said, shaky.

As we arrived at the castle, Nurse Flower hold my hand and walked me to the throne. "Rose, we have a visitor." Nurse Flower smiled. I looked at Rose in a worried expression as I feel myself shaking. Rose walked up to me and pat me on the shoulder. "No need to be afraid, Captain Deadbeard. I am Rose. I noticed a lot of plants and zombies are becoming friends so I decided to make a friend with you."

"You do?" I asked as I tilt my head in confusion. "Of course! You're my sweetheart!" Rose said as she smiled while spinning her wand. I felt myself blushing at this moment. "You just called me sweetheart for the first time." I smiled at her. Rose nodded her head and said. "Yes." Then she picked me up with her magic and carry me to the backyard battleground.

"R-rose, what are you doing?!" I asked as I blush harder. Rose smiles at me. "Aw sweetheart. I'm taking you to the backyard battleground. But first..." Rose put me down, waved her wand and point it to me. While she's doing this, I feel myself shrinking down to size.

Once the magic around me stopped, I looked down at my hands .....or hooves. Wait hooves? I got turned into a goat! "Baaah!?" That's the first word I said. I looked up at Rose. She seems like she's having a fun time with me. She picked me up off the ground. "Aw... who's a good goat? You are. Yes you are." She teased me a bit before putting me down on the ground.

"Baah?" I blush as I looked at Rose. "Hold still, sweetheart." Rose said as she waved her wand and point it to me again. I turned back to my normal self. "Yarhar! I'm me!" I smiled as I jumped up and down. "Ok. Now we can go to the backyard battleground." Rose said to me as I smiled at her. She lead the way as I follow her to the backyard battleground.

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