What a hungry Plant Hero (Chomper x All Star reader)

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(This one has vore on it. Don't read it if you don't want to.)

(Unless you want to. I made it safe vore without digestion because digestion sucks! So yeah... Enjoy!)

The match has started, this time, it takes place in a area filled with apartments and food stores. I wasn't a food fan like Engineer. I was a football fan and a player. I played football like I did in the past. I could probably tell you about how I-

"All Star! The match has started!" Said the Electrician as he used his Zombot Drone to fly above. "You might as well catch up with them." I wasn't even paying attention! I was instantly talking about my awesome strength and my football skills. So I run over to the first objective.

Some of the Zombies are doing pretty good capturing the objective. More Plant reinforcements are growing. I took the advice and kick an Imp Punt, sending it flying. I hear a dinging noise as I got a vanquish. Now you notice how awesome my football skills are-

"Ahh-!" A scream came to my ears as I turned to see a Chomper eating the Scientist whole. He gulp him down, sending straight to his belly. He burped and then rub his belly, playfully before he turned to me with a grin.

What is he looking at me for? He burrowed underground and try to get me. I quickly ran away from the terrifying thought of being eaten alive. Wonder what that looks like.

After a few objectives captured, we pushed on, vanquishing any Plants that are still there. Like the Camo Cactus. Lucky, Tank Commander got her before I get to showoff my football styles.

Next up is the Burger Joint. This shouldn't be that hard to do, right? Possibly someplant would be brave enough to stop us or running away from their lives. (They can still respawn tho)

As I got there, I see nobody defending the objective. Now's my chance to jump in and capture the objec- "Ow!" I grunted as I feel a stinging pain surging through my body as I look at my hand. It's covered in some goop. Not just any goop, It's Super Sticky Goop and it hurts way worse than that regular Goop! I have to get out of this!

I feel someone pushing me and I fell on the hard floor. Then I feel it's leaf feet on my back, preventing me from moving. I can't move. Who's doing this? Then I hear growling and snarling as it got off of me and turned around to face me. I remember that Plant Hero. It's Chomper! And he sounds very hungry!

Chomper: Hey All Star! Don't you run away from me! You look really yummy! Yay! Nom noms!

"Aw man! Please don't tell me that I have to be eaten by you?"

Chomper comes closer to me and licks me with his long tongue. I growled at this. Chompers are supposed to be hungry eaters instead of playfully Plant friends!

Chomper: Aw All Star! Don't be like that! I love Zombies! Yes, I eat them, but I play with them for fun!

"Fun?! This is fun to you, Chomper?! I don't want to be a Chomper's lunch and a treat..."

I got up slowly looking at Chomper's hungry jaws and his playful belly rub? Weird? Dude, I want to vanquish that Plant Hero so bad, but... Why am I feeling...tension and fear? Also, why is this Chomper being so nice to me? He supposed to be with Engineer because of their team name called Team Hungry Helpers.

Wait....that smell... That horrible breath on my face... Chomper's jaws opened wide, showing off his powerful chompers. I feel so blushing by this feeling. Why am I feeling this way?

Chomper closed his jaws and smiled at me, cutely. He seems to be nice. Just what Engineer said. But should I trust that carnivorous Plant? Seems pretty dangerous. I notice that he's coming closer to my face. I back away slowly from him.

He laughed cutely and come closer to my face again and opened his jaws wide. My eyes widen in shock as I stare at his jaws. This causes me to blush more. "Oh my.... That's a big mouth you have..." I said.

Then, without warning, he wrap his tongue around my body and try to swallow me whole! I can hear his hungry tummy begging for more Zombies for him to feed.

Chomper moaned in pleasure of my taste. I was about to scream, but his soft tongue made me feel like whatever what Engineer was thinking. After a bit of tasting, he swallows me down hard. It was a quick trip to our worst nightmares.

I was landed inside his tummy. Guess he have to swallow us down to make room for himself. I put my head against the stomach walls and listen. I don't hear anything except Chomper burping in pleasure as he rub his tummy, feeling me inside. He stopped rubbing and completely realized what he had done.

He just accidentally ate me. That means Cactus couldn't find me and she was my best friend. She's going to be very suspicious about this.

Chomper: Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry All Star! I didn't mean to eat you! I hope you don't mind if I...keep you.

I hear Chomper panicking in fear. I put my hand on his stomach wall and well... keep calm.

"It's ok, Chomper. I love being inside you, but where's the digestion going to take place?"

Chomper: Digestion... Well, I'm not actually going to digest you. I'm keeping you inside my belly so that I can give you a ride. Most likely I'm taking a few energy away from you so you can have more energy in return.

Chomper just explained that to me just to keep me inside him. This feels....warm and cozy in here. Mostly like any Chomper would love to eat their prey and keep them inside. I see why this Chomper would love to keep me. I feel his stomach move a bit. Sounds like Chomper is on the move.

A few minutes later...

Minutes passed as I feel asleep inside the Chomper's belly. He was right about his hungry appetite for Zombies and sometimes wants to keep them.

"All Star, are you alright in there? I'm getting worried..." I hear Chomper's voice as I begin to stir myself awake. I was still inside Chomper's stomach. He didn't digest me like any Chomper would do and his riding sure made my body get in the groove. After I get out that is.

"Oh good. You're ok." Chomper sigh in relief as he run his belly in pleasure. I didn't hear any noise coming from the outside. If I did, he would be down and then I would automatically respawn. But that didn't happen.

I feel myself being pushed up out of his stomach and out of his mouth. I was being spit out from his hungry chompers. As I got up, I feel so slimy and sticky, but then, I feel so energized. Chomper did keep me inside him just to play with me and give some energy to me.

"Mmmm...urp. Yummy!" Chomper was playfully rubbing his belly before he look up to me and smiled. "I made it to that Greenhouse where the rocket is. You'll be able to take it down if you're lucky." Chomper licked my face before burrowing underground.

I love those Chompers. How can Engineer stand the cuteness of Chompers and love them? Must be like these two becoming best friends. Just as I was about to start, Cactus came to me.

"Oh my gosh! All Star!" She checked on me to make sure I was ok. Then she grabbed my hand. "Good thing you're ok! I was getting worried! Come with me." Cactus head outside the Greenhouse with me.

Guess that means no more being inside of a hungry Chomper.

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