chapter 37

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Third Person POV:

A night at the Jones' house was common practise, both of them knew that and with their new bloomed relationship, there had been less of insults being thrown around until a couple of weeks ago, with the topic of colleges popping up.

Both of them had been anxious about choosing the right one but both of them knew that whatever they chose, they were bound to not be near each other. This had in turn led to a bit of tension between the two of them as they had been in a few arguments about 'the right university' and had come to a conclusion that there was no point of talking about it if it would just lead to disagreements and no progress.

Unfortunately for them, their parents had decided to make it the sole topic of the dinner.

Isaac had zoned out of the boring conversation once again and had instead turned to scraping his fork against his plate making a scratchy sound that was starting to get on Zavier's nerves.

Clueless, Isaac carried on but only Zavier was getting annoyed since the parents were so dissolved in their conversation whilst Francesca had been lucky enough to have some sort of after school meeting that she had gladly gone to in order to miss this tense dinner.

"Stop doing that."

Isaac slowly looked up, meeting the fed up eyes of Zavier who glared at him. "You're being childish."

Isaac rolled his eyes and stopped... but only for a second before carrying on making it even louder this time, slowly dragging the fork across the plate whilst looking up at Zavier with a smile.

"What were you saying?" Isaac pretended to politely ask watching as Zavier narrowed his eyes at him.

"You're so fu-" Zavier stopped suddenly, looking to the side remembering that their parents were still there. He pretended to itch his forehead but secretly flipped Isaac off.

Eventually, Isaac stopped scraping the plate after his mom was alerted by Zavier of the noise so Isaac sat in silence fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

Their parents didn't seem to notice their lack of contribution to the conversation with Isaac and Zavier only giving nods to things they'd say when Isaac stood up from the table and 'excused himself' to the toilet.

He deliberately took as long as he could walking at the pace of a snail and having a nice look around of his house to avoid walking back to the table. Alas, he couldn't catch a break because as soon as he emerged from the toilet, Zavier was there to meet him leaning against the wall.

"Oh great." Isaac muttered. "Look who decided to follow."

"You've been acting really immature."

"The fuck do you mean by that?"

"At the dinner. I know we're not on the best of terms right now but we can still act like friends."

"Wait, did you come out here just to lecture me?"

"No, I was just suggesting."

"Yeah it's easy for you to suggest when you're not the one who's been left on delivered for 2 weeks." Isaac glared as he moved closer to Zavier against the wall bla. "Oh and even easier to suggest when you're not the one who's been deliberately avoided for the past week, only being spoken to if you had to at soccer and that one time I was in a conversation with Myles you suddenly remembered I existed again..."

All he was saying was true. Of course he had jumped at any opportunity to interrupt Myles' and Isaac's conversations but that wasn't the main point.

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