chapter 12

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Third Person POV:

"ISAAC HILL JONES, GET DOWN HERE AS SOON AS YOU CAN, BUT MAKE SURE YOU'RE PRESENTABLE." Isaac's mom's bellowing voice woke him up from any kind of peaceful sleep he had been enjoying.

Not fully awake yet, he brushed his teeth since there was no point of having a shower yet and groggily left his room and walked down the stairs to find his mom looking absolutely furious and Francesca sitting down on the couch.

"Go get a shirt for goodness sake. You're frightening our guests." It had gotten hot in the night, and Isaac always had to sleep with the comforter, so he had opted for taking off his shirt in the night, not expecting to be rudely interrupted from his sleep.

Francesca looked up, not realising Isaac had come down since she had her airpods in, and on seeing Isaac shirtless, a hue of red spread across her cheeks as she got up quickly and left with no explanation.

"What's up with her?"

"She obviously-" His mom started, but realised she was getting sidetracked and there was no point of explaining to him. "That's not the problem right now. Did you go out last night?"

If Isaac wasn't fully awake yet, he was right now. It was like a bucket of cold water had just been splashed over his face.

"Did I what?" Isaac tried to stall, thinking how she could've known that.

"I said, did you go out last night?" She waited for his answer, her hand on her hip.

Isaac didn't know what to do; if he denied it and she had evidence, then he'd be in big trouble. But what if he admitted it and she was just guessing, then that would be so frustrating?

"Good morning Mrs Jones." Zavier walked down the stairs, flashing a wide smile to Isaac's mom.

Isaac thanked God for the distraction while Zavier had just heard Mrs Jones asking about what happened last night, and to be honest, he had wanted to see how this would pan out first hand.

"Ah Zavier," Isaac noticed his mom's expression changing scarily fast from one of anger to delight. Turning back to Isaac, her expression changed back to anger. "I know you would never do this, but Isaac here went out after I specifically told him he wasn't allowed to. You wouldn't know anything about this, would you?"

Isaac silently begged Zavier with his eyes to not rat him out, but he could see that Zavier was thoroughly enjoying this.

"Oh, how do you know?" Zavier innocently asked, but Isaac could see right through that 'innocent' act.

"Look what I found outside this morning." She held up a small vodka bottle that neither boy had noticed had been in her hands the whole time.

Immediately, Isaac recognised that from being in Zavier's hand the night before, he had been so focused on getting Zavier out of the car and into the house, he hadn't thought about what Zavier could've been holding.

"That's not mine." Isaac quickly denied, he was not about to get in trouble for a boy who loved seeing him in pain.

Zavier kept quiet, the bottle looked familiar but his memories were still a bit fuzzy from last night, but then he remembered Isaac saying he wouldn't drink, so it definitely had to be his own.

"Mmhmm... and whose is it then? The neighbours who barely know how to collect their mail? Or is it Zavier's then?"

"Well it's not mine." Isaac repeated, why did his mom think Zavier was some sort of saint?

"The fact you're not going to admit it when I know it was you. I thought I heard a voice talking last night but I ignored it."

"But mom -" Isaac tried to protest, but she didn't listen.

"No Isaac, and you go and blame it on Zavier who would never do such a thing. I want your phone." Isaac's eyes widened in horror, not his phone.

"Mom, it wasn't me, I swear. It was Z-" He tried to say, hating the fact Zavier was just watching this.

"Your phone Isaac. You're lucky I'm only grounding you for a week. You'll get your phone back later." Isaac could tell by her tone that there was no room for debate.

He defeatedly went to his room and switched off his phone, then came back downstairs and handed it to her. She gave him a disappointed look and took it from his hands, heading up to her room to hide it somewhere.

With his mom gone, Zavier didn't even look that apologetic.

"You're the fucking worst you know that." Isaac glared fiercely at Zavier, wishing he could just get revenge back on him.

"Hey I'm sorry, I was so drunk I forgot that we were sneaking back in." Zavier spoke in a nonchalant tone, walking into the kitchen to see what he could find to eat.

Isaac was furious, he had taken the blame for him, and now he was just gonna rummage their snack cupboards, not even a sincere apology or thank you.

"Zavier you little piece of shit." Isaac followed after him, closing the cupboard that Zavier was trying to open. Zavier swivelled around, Isaac trapping him in the corner with his hands on the counters.

"Why didn't you own up?" Isaac questioned him, because both of them knew if Zavier had made some excuse about it being his, then his mom would've let him off with an extremely light slap on the hand.

"Didn't feel like it." Zavier was pushing every button Isaac had, it was thrilling for him to see Isaac this mad.

"You didn't feel like it?" Isaac scoffed. Oh wow, poor baby Zavier didn't feel like it, let's all worship him now, Isaac thought. "Why do you always want the most attention?"

"Is someone jealous?" Zavier leaned forward, a smirk on his face. If this was a cartoon, steam would've been flying from Isaac's ears.

"There's something mentally wrong with you." Isaac poked Zavier's forehead, making him flinch a bit.

"Okay thanks for that. Can you get off of me now?" Isaac's body was pressed against Zavier's, the anger radiating off him.

Isaac chuckled bitterly. "Oh can I get off you now?" He put on a concerned look and tried to make his words have a sweet tone to them.

Zavier nodded unsurely. "Maybe you should've thought about doing that last night too. Oh, and maybe holding onto your drinks tighter."

Zavier was confused now, what had he done last night? He couldn't remember much, just getting more and more drinks,with Bella following him like a lost puppy. He could try ask Isaac what happened, but he didn't exactly seem in the best mood to reminisce about last nights events.

"Am I interrupting something?" Francesca walked in, seeing Isaac looking extremely mad and Zavier looking clueless.

Isaac gave Zavier a one over, then stepped back, "No, I was just leaving." Zavier watched him walk out, then looked back at Francesca.

"I'm guessing you messed something up." It was quite obvious.

He sheepishly nodded.

"And it's not the best time to do my instagram post then."

Zavier laughed, definitely not the best time at all.

A/N: wOw cuTe sIbliNg mOmeNt aT tHE enD. I love this song, it's so cute. also phillipa (the girl singing) is amazing at singing and lin's voice just makes me laugh. enjoy reading :) 15/08/20

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