chapter 7

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Isaac POV:

"I think Will's the best goalkeeper." I spoke, going to write his name under the position.

It was lunchtime but I had been forced to spend it with Zavier in the library since Coach wanted us to be fully prepared for a tournament we had coming up soon. Personally, I could have done it perfectly by myself but no, Zavier had to tag along.

"But Will's a really good midfielder." He snatched the pen from me and scribbled out Will's name and put it underneath midfielders. I narrowed my eyes at him, sighing heavily, but accepted it since this was the 3rd time we had disagreed about Will's position.

I put my head on the table, resting it on my arms but turned to the side to see Zavier.

He worked away, not even caring about my lack of contribution. He tapped the pen against the table, biting his lip, as he probably thought about who to write next.

Finally, remembering I was here, he turned to look at me, making immediate eye contact. I quickly turned my head away, putting it fully facing the table.

"You're such a baby." He chuckled, to which I flipped him off.

Now it was his turn to sigh, "Fine, you write the people in their positions and I can review it after you've done. How about that?" He offered reluctantly.

I smiled and lifted my head up, grabbing the paper and the pen from him, and scribbling all the positions that I had been planning in my head. I felt Zavier's intense stare on me, kind of increasing my nerves, but I did my best to ignore it and a few minutes later I was done.

"There, done." I handed the paper to him, surveying his reaction to see if he approved. He raised his brows, a look of surprise on his face.

"It's good.. I actually agree with it." He reread it, checking for any mistakes that I could've made.

"No need to look that surprised, told you I'm a better captain than you." I smiled proudly at my amazing captain skills. He started to disagree but I ignored him and glanced up at the exact time Dillon walked into the library.

Straight away, I glanced away, not checking to see if he had noticed me looking. My fears were confirmed however when I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Hello lovebirds." Dillon, very nicely, welcomed himself, doing some kind of weird handshake with Zavier. I felt like I was the one intruding on them, not the other way around.

"We're not lovebirds." I frowned, I don't even know where he got this messed up idea from. "And why are you even here?" Zavier was bad enough, I didn't need his lover boy tagging along too.

"Am I interrupting something?" He pulled up a chair, and sat opposite us.

"Yes, you in fact are, thanks for asking."

"Aw well... that's really tough, but I think I'm gonna stay." He smiled, making me want to wipe the smile right off his face.

Why does he act like a fucking two year old, Jesus? "Right.... Well I'll take my leave." I got up, very eager to get as far away from Dillon as I could.

Zavier remembering he had a voice decided to butt into the conversation now, "But we haven't completely finished yet?"

"It's basically finished." I shrugged and walked away, allowing Dillon to have more time with his lover boy.

On my way out of the library, I nearly ran straight into Harrison who was standing right outside the door, like he was planning to come in, but just decided not to.

"Woah." I swerved to the left, just avoiding him.

He gave me a sheepish smile, "Sorry."

"It's alright." I walked away but he joined me, walking right next to me. I took a quick peek at him to see him mumbling something to himself, fidgeting with his fingers, which was starting to freak me out slightly.

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