chapter 6

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Third Person POV:

Isaac's breaths settled to a steady rhythm, drifting off. Zavier couldn't help but watch how angelic he looked sleeping. His pink lips were parted slightly taking deep and relaxed breaths and for once, he wasn't frowning, all the muscles in his face at peace. His unruly, wavy brown hair covering the sides of his face. Isaac moved the tiniest bit, scaring Zavier who speedily turned his head back to the movie.

When he realised he wasn't waking up yet, Zavier breathed a sigh of relief, not ready for the shame that would've come with Isaac catching him staring at him. However, Zavier couldn't help looking again and slowly, very steadily, reached his hand out to gently move the hair out of his face, feeling how soft his rosy cheeks were.

Suddenly, Zavier's senses kicked in and he retracted back, like he had just been stung by Isaac's skin. "Shit." Zavier swore, attempting to leave before Isaac woke up, but the loud movements had already disturbed Isaac's sleep.

Isaac's eyes fluttered open as he tried to focus, still half asleep and confused on what was wrong with Zavier, "What's going on, wait why are you still here?" Were the words he managed to get out.

"Your mom called me." Zavier lied, then rushed down the stairs, finally being able to calm down without Isaac's presence.

Isaac dismissed Zavier's suspicious behaviour, getting into a more comfortable position, and letting the second wave of sleep take him.


Isaac POV:

"I don't even know why, he just ran out like a scared baby." I sat in an ice cream parlour, feasting on cookie dough ice Cream, while retelling last nights events to Harrison, Jax and Gemma.

Harrison looked deep in thought, "So you have to see him often?"

"Well, I guess." I thought for a bit, it was like the universe didn't want to see us apart.

Tormenting me.

I yawned for the 560483934th time, eliciting a concerned look from Gemma.

"You need to start sleeping earlier." She frowned.

"I sleep early." I thought back to how late I slept two days ago, 5AM. "Sometimes." I mumbled after.

Luckily for me, the conversation got switched to talking about some teacher who had apparently hooked up with a student.

Very concerning.

Finishing our ice creams, we got ready to leave after paying the bill.

Harrison looked down at his phone and swore before looking back up with a guilty expression, "Can I crash at one of you guys' house?".

I put my attention back to my now non-existent ice cream, wow, the floor has never looked more attractive.

"I would let you, but some of my family members are coming round mine, I'm sorry." Gemma apologised.

"Yeah, honestly sorry dude, but I was planning on getting high tonight... unless you're up for it?" Jax offered, but Harrison quickly declined.


I need an excuse, maybe I could say-

"I think Isaac's free right? That's what you said yesterday." Gemma cut me out of my thought bubble, ruining my chances of escape.

I tried to muster up the best smile I could and looked back up to see Harrison's eyes practically shining with hope, "Uh yeah of course." I finally answered, too late to back out now.

"Thank you so much." He gave me a grateful smile.

We got up, saying thanks to our waiter and walked out, the cold air welcoming us straight away.

"Fuck it's cold." I put my hood up, walking quickly to my car so I wouldn't freeze to death. Harrison entered the passengers seat and put on his seat belt.

I started the car, but didn't drive immediately so I could put on the radio, hopefully he would take the hint to not start talking.

And he took it thankfully.

The car ride didn't involve any chats, only humming to the radio songs.

Getting to my house, I took out my key and opened the door, allowing Harrison to go in first. It was true what Gemma said, I actually had a free house today.

My mom had gone on some kind of girls trip and my dad had a business trip for the weekend. Not like it would've made a difference if he was here, since he spent 90% of his time in his office.

I put on the TV and gave the remote to him, "Choose something to watch, I'll be back." I headed into the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn, pouring it into a bowl then headed out and sat next to him on the couch.

"What'd you choose?"

"Some show called Floor is Lava."

The show was a bit confusing at the start, but as the episodes went on, I couldn't help but laugh every time someone fell into the lava or get scared for the people trying to avoid falling in.

In the end, we binge watched all of the episodes, and it was great. Turns out Harrison and I had similar sense of humours.

"Is it alright if I put my head on your lap, my back has been killing me?" I asked, expecting him to say no, but he nodded, so I quickly adjusted myself to a more comfortable position. He tensed feeling me but then quickly relaxed.

"What would you do if you think you liked someone, but the person you like thinks you like someone else?" Harrison asked out of the blue.

"That sounds complicated."

He sighed, turning his head away. "Just a bit."

Third Person POV:

Harrison's mind was in a turmoil.

He really didn't know what to do, or why he felt like this for someone he'd only just met. When he had first walked into his new class,Isaac had immediately stood out to him.

Maybe it was his bored aura, or just the way he composed himself, like he was in control of everything, so when he had caught Isaac surveying him, he tried to smile at him, but he was ignored.

And he'd thought he had ruined everything.

Until he was given a second chance, by Gemma being friends with Isaac. It was obvious Isaac didn't care for another friend, but then they had talked, and Isaac seemed more... relaxed. Then in the kitchen, everything clicked into place.

The looks Gemma had given him, inviting him to the table and trying to involve him in conversations. He just assumed she was being friendly, which she was, but there was a bit more to it.

Gemma somehow liked him.

He really hoped he hadn't led her on, but he couldn't specifically recall any moments of doing that. I mean, they had just met each other.

And Isaac was oblivious. Too smart to think about feelings, and maybe that was for the better. He didn't even know Isaac's sexuality which was already a problem.

Without realising, Harrison had actually started to gently run his fingers through Isaac's hair. With no reaction from Isaac, only steady breaths, he carried on, loving the silky feeling. He wished he could do this forever, stay in this position.

Just him and Isaac, and Isaac and him.

A/N: uh oh, not harrison liking isaac... isaac must be a very fit and funny guy. anyways, enjoy reading. i'm writing chapter 16 atm and enjoy the song!

written 01/08/20

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