chapter 29

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Third person POV:

Zavier had managed to avoid Isaac since the last suggestive sentence he had spoken to him the day before but now it was time for practice, and this meant no avoiding.

"You can't run away now." Isaac smiled on the field, doing the warmup next to Zavier. "I just wanted to say that-"

"Okay boys, it's time for a practise shooting." Coach ordered, separating Isaac and Zavier.

Isaac frowned but Zavier had a triumphant look on his face walking away from Isaac.

And that was how it went for the whole practice. It seemed like Isaac had the worst luck as every time he would finally catch Zavier, either Coach would say something, or somebody, mostly Harrison Isaac noticed, would come over and interrupt.

Isaac had become increasingly frustrated as he sat in the locker rooms, waiting for everyone to leave one by one.

Zavier would take the longest to change after he had showered he had noted and he would normally take his time with Dillon but Dillon had been off ill today.

"You coming Isaac?" Harrison asked, holding his soccer kit in his hand.

"Nah, I've just got to talk to somebody." Isaac dismissed him, watching to make sure Zavier didn't escape from his gaze.

Harrison followed Isaac's view, and saw it directly on Zavier. "What is up with you two?"

Isaac unwillingly removed his eyes away from Zavier and moved them to Harrison. "What?"

"You-" Harrison noticed Isaac looking at Zavier again and shook his head. "You know what, it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Isaac waved, having not listened to a word Harrison had said, and not bothering to even see if Harrison waved back.

Zavier took his sweet time packing all his stuff and not only was Isaac becoming frustrated, he was feeling very tired.

What felt like an eternity later, but merely a few minutes, it was just them in the locker room. Isaac checked around the side to make sure there weren't any spies and when he didn't see anyone, he felt relieved that 'luck' had finally decided to be on his side a bit.

Isaac walked up to Zavier, who faced the lockers, still packing up random stuff from his soccer kit. He tapped Zavier's shoulder, causing him to turn around and face him.

"Looks like we can finally talk now." Isaac grinned, but Zavier's eyes darted to the side, searching for any kind of excuse to get out of this awkward confrontation.

"I'd rather not talk. I actually have to er- get home early to um... make dinner, yeah, prepare dinner." Zavier awfully lied, he really was starting to lose his cool around Isaac, and he hated that for him.

"I think your family can wait an extra five minutes for you, don't you think?"

Isaac had never seen Zavier so nervous before, and then he realised, he was probably uncomfortable with how close Isaac was, so what did Isaac do?

He got closer.

"So Zavier," Isaac was in control here now, and even he knew that. "I was just wondering by what you meant when you said that thing yesterday. Of course, I wouldn't judge whether it's true or not, I just wanted to know, that's all." But his kindness took over, snapping Zavier back to reality.

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