Chapter eleven

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Studio/Garage 12:32pm Wednesday 1994

Alex Pov

"Tonights the night boys!" Luke exclaims enthusiastically as he claps his hands together, entering the garage for our last practice before tonight.

"Jolly Christmas Eve!" Reggie greets him, flashing him a toothy grin.

Luke wishes him a Merry Christmas Eve in return and begins setting up his guitar by plugging in his aux cord. I sit awkwardly, as I do, in the back behind my drums, fiddling around with my drumsticks. Luke and I have barely mumbled a word to one another in the past six days. It would be an understatement to call it uncomfortable and awkward. There have been a few thrown glances every now and then, which only sent chills down my spine. Although in the beginning of our unbearable silence, Luke tried to make small talk, he eventually stopped, having probably found it useless since I wouldn't give him the time of day.

I've never been one to be bitter. Would you even consider my cold shoulder being bitterness? Or self awareness? I am very aware that if I fell back into him I would lose myself completely. Allowing him to disregard my wishes and me altogether.

Bobby strolls over to where he is standing in front of my drum set, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his sweats. "It's not too late you know. You can always stay."

"You're auditioning drummers the day after tomorrow, Bobby."

"But we haven't yet."

"Yeah, say the word and there won't be any auditions. I don't even know what an audition is. What's that? Who's she?" Reg chimes in awkwardly, making his way over next to Bobby.

I smile at their attempt, but they know there's no way.

"I thought you guys were cool with it." I respond.

"I was trying to be supportive. I didn't think I'd have to fight you on it cause I thought you would come to your senses by now."

"I'm sorry Bobby, but I can't stay here with- '' My eyes trail over to Luke tuning his guitar, Reg and Bobby's eyes following after.

Reggie sighs, nodding his head understandingly. "Yeah, we know... we're just gonna miss you. Sunset Curve isn't gonna be the same."

"It's not like I won't be around, Reg. I still practically live here." I motion around the studio.

After a solid few hours of exhausting ourselves and Luke nearly wrecking his vocal chords, we all came to the realization that we had rehearsed enough.

"The first band goes on at seven." Luke informs.

"Yeah, we're the fourth band to go on." Bobby adds.

"Lets just make sure we are all there by six thirty, gotta make sure we have the time to set up." Luke directs.

We nod in agreement and dipart our separate ways, the boys heading home and me to the upper loft. I kick off my nikes and curl up into my preferred beanbag, attempting to take a short nap before tonight. As much as the guys do, and kudos to them for being so good at it, railing on some drums takes more out of you than stringing on a guitar, and I'm wiped

I'm awakened by the garage doors slamming shut behind someone.

"Alex?!" He hollers, searching for me. "Alex! Come on!"


I groan softly, shifting in my beanbag. "Scream any louder and I'll be too deaf to play tonight."

I hear his footsteps shuffle over to the latter. "Alex, we were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago, the guys are waiting on us, let's go. You're late." He explains irritated as he clubs up the latter, he head poking up above the loft and his elbows resting on the wooden flooring as he balances himself on the steps.

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