Chapter seven

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In and Out Burger 8:19pm Monday 1994

Alex Pov

"Here, let me try one." I reach over to Asher's tray, picking up a chili frie and tossing it into my mouth.

His eyebrows rise ,"Hmm, good right?"

My face goes sour, "That's god awful." I cringe, taking sip after sip of my sweet tea.

Asher laughs, connecting his eyes with mine. I stare awkwardly back at him till it becomes too unbearable and I look down, clearing my throat.

He straightens up, taking a bite of his burger then wiping his lips afterward, "So you guys are planning on playing Battle of the Bands?"

I nod, "Uh yeah, the winning band gets to perform at the Orpheum."

"You guys are gonna be the next Def Lepord!"

"Didn't their drummer lose an arm?"

"Yeah, but he still went on making killer beats."

"Alright then." I laugh.

We spend the rest of dinner babbling on about Rock bands from the sixties and how Uncle Jesse from Full house is hands down the coolest character on television this year. After we swallow our last bites, Asher walks me out to the bike racks. "Thanks for doing this, it was fun."

I give him a small smile, running my hands through my hair before unlocking my bike and hoping on. "Yeah, it was."

"Maybe we could do it again next week?" he asks nervously.

I look at him, shaking my head slowly, "I had a good time Asher, really, I did. And I think we'd make great friends but-"

"But that's it. Just friends." He interrupts.


He backs up from my bike, sticking his hands into his pockets. "Yeah that's fine... we can just talk at school sometime."

"I'll catch ya later Asher." I say, riding off into the streets, heading to the garage. The image of Luke standing there helplessly, begging for me not to leave, the sounds of me going off on him, telling him he's given me nothing and him telling me to go floods my mind the whole ride back.

I hop off my bike, letting it fall onto the damp winter grass. I pull back the studio doors, walking in, leaving the doors open behind me. I wander over to the new grand piano Reggie's mom bought us as a way to win over her son, the only light being from the moons glimer coming from the upper garage windows behind the keys.

I sigh as I run my fingers through the piano keys, taking in every different sound each key produces. I squat down onto the piano bench, position myself to the center. I sling my backpack over my shoulder, reaching in to pull out my song book. I slide my backpack off altogether, allowing it to land on the carpet. I flip through half the pages, stopping at the page full of lyrics I've been working on for the past month, finally finishing earlier tonight at Reggies on my own. This song is more for me than anyone, well it's only for me. Sometimes when I have all these built up emotions, which is quite often, I fill up my pages with my feelings, using it as an outlet.

{These lyrics belong to Us The Duo, The song is called Already Mine, give it a listen before continuing!}

I take in a deep breath, exhaling it right after. My fingers begin to dance on the keys, building up to the lyrics.
"Where did it go
The love I once knew
Is lost in the dark
The light can't shine through
Where did we go
I can't see it now
I'm fighting the night
To find you somehow"

A tear rolls down my cheek as I think back on how untroubled we used to be. Remembering all his empty promises on how he would tell his parents about us. Telling me we would attend Homecoming with one another.

"I miss you
Even though you're so close
I miss you
Even though you're right next to me"

I lean my head back, my eyes closed as they face the ceiling as I belt out the chorus from memory.

"I already have you
But I wanna know you again
So hard to kiss you
When it feels like I'm only a friend
I can't control you
Or what your heart will decide
But I'll never stop
Trying to fall back in love with what's already mine"

My tears falling onto the piano keys as my fingers glade against them.

"Where did it go
The passion and fire
I can't find the flame
And now we're both tired
What do we do
If all we have left
Is dying for life
And on it's last breath

And I miss you
Even though you're so close
And I miss you
Even though you're right next to me"

I choke slightly at the thought of us never being able to actually and fully be together.

"I already have you
But I wanna know you again
So hard to kiss you
When it feels like I'm only a friend
I can't control you
Or what your heart will decide
I'll never stop
Trying to fall back in love with what's already mine

If we fight we through this battle
And we
We'll be stronger
Than who we were then
I already have you"

Everyday I stay with him is a day I continue to break my own heart. But he is my heart. He is my best friend. He's literally my everything. I don't have anything else. I sing out the chorus one last time as loud and passionately as I can.

"I wanna know you again
It's so hard to kiss you
When it feels like I'm only a friend
I can't control you
Or what your heart will decide
I'll never stop
Trying to fall back in love with what's already mine"

I breathe in deeply, letting a tear fall at each;
"I miss you
I miss you
I miss you"

I let the last note linger before I lift my hands up from the piano, closing my song book.


Already Mine (Lalex) Where stories live. Discover now