Chapter 5

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"Y/n, Your late get up!" Ginny yelled. I jumped out of bed. threw on my robes and put my y/h/c hair up in a bun (If posible). "Im Ready, Im ready." I said and looked to see ginny laughing her arse off. "Y-W-Y" She said not being able to finsh her sentence. I looked at the clock and saw it was only six. "What the bloody hell ginny, I swear to god im going to kill you!" I yelled. Hermione stood off to the side and bit her t the entier time trying not to laugh. finally she broke when I turned and hit my head on the door. "Bloody hell!" I yelled and walked down the stairs to the common room holding my head.

Ginny came down seconds later and was still laughing. "It wasn't that bloody funny!" I exclaimed making her laugh more. "Yo-You hit your head on a wall- th-that wasn't even there!" She yelled while still laughing. "Fine, I'll just go hang out with Dean." I said and stood from my spot in the common room. "Don't you dare." She said finally stopping laughing. Instead she now had a serious look on her face and was almost mad, which was also really adorable because you could see when she got up set her freckles became more vibrant, and her eyes would almost darken a bit in color if she was mad enough. "Only kidding gin, cool down." I said quickly and a smile found its way back to her face.

Ginny and I now sat in potions, she wasn't paying attention because she was writing in the book of sorts. "Ginny I really don't think is safe to write in that." I said quietly and Ginny scoffed. "Oh come off it, it's just some harmless book." She said quietly. "Ya, But didn't your dad say that there was a book that you could just never stop reading, like it was impossible?" I question and she chuckled. "Dad just said that to keep us out of the untitled books in his and moms room." Ginny said and raised and eyebrow. My eyes widened and I hit her lightly. "Ginevra Molly Weasley!" I scolded quietly and she let out a laugh. "Silence!" Snape exclaimed and went on with class. "Silence!" Ginny tried to copy him, in which she completely failed. I giggled and Snape glared at her and I.

"Hey Weaslebee, Heard from a little bird that you have a crush on harry pottah." Draco said, I knew it was true but it still hurt my heart a bit when it was said outloud. "I do not!" She exclamied and look at me then back at draco as if I had told him. "Y/n Told me, shes your best friend so I know its true." he said and ginny glared at me. "I didnt not you farret bastered!" I exclamied. "Oh, But you did."


"Do you know who ginny likes?" Dean asked me. "She has a thing for harry potter, sorry bud." I said and put my hand on his back, my own heart broke a little when I said it but I kept the smile on my face.

End Flashback

"You were ease-dropping on us, thats not the same as deliberately telling you, you platinum haired bastard !" I exclamied and he laughed. "I can tell harry that you like him, I bet his reaction would be priceless and then he would avoid you more then he already dose." Draco smiled evily. "I-I-I dont like harry, I like, umm" She looked around the room and her eyes landed on me, she blushed slightly before saying. "I Like Y/n." even thought I knew she said it to take the heat off of her and harry I still blushed profusely. draco crinkled his nose in dusgust. "Ew, a Lesbian, Gryffindor weaslebee. everything I hate stacked into one person!" He exclamied. My anger took over and I punched him in the nose again. "dont talk about her that way!" I exclamied and pulled ginny away form him.

Ginny's POV

What I said wasnt exactly a lie, however upon seeing dracos reaction I figuerd nothing will happen, when y/n punched draco her hair moved with her body and as her fist hit his skin there was a slapping sound as if she had just slapped him. I found it quite entertaning not to mention hot 'what are you doing to me y/n'

Y/n's POV

Ginny Spent the rest of her day writing in that book that I still had a bad felling about. I tried to pull her away, but eventually gave up and hung out with Fred and George pulling pranks on I first years and teachers.

"Fred, I've got any idea!" I exclaimed and pulled Fred and George where the teachers couldn't hear us. I could barely contain my laughter, or get a word out for that matter so they had no idea what was circling around my head. "We, put pink paint on Snaps seat, so when he sits he gets pink paint on his butt, and he'll walk around like that!" I said, but it was interrupted by a laugh her and then. "Yes, why did we never let you help before!" They exclaimed and looked at each other where they then shrugged.

While looking for the pink paint I found a toilet seat with Fred and George's name on it. "Was this for me and Ginny?" I asked and the nodded. "Filch caught us with it and so we threw it in here and forgot about it I guess." They said and I smiled. "Then I'm taking it." I smiled. "Works for me." They both said.

We had planted the paint and now we're standing outside his last class of the day so we could hear the laughter of the students. Out of nowhere we heard a bunch of laughter and we all high fives. "Our work here is done!" Fred exclaimed and ran off leaving me with the small toilet seat.

Once Fred and George used the enlargement on The toilet seat I ran up to mine and Ginny's dorm. "Ginny I got th-" I stoped when I saw she wasn't there. I looked all around the dorm and couldn't find her so I put the toilet seat under my bed and went down to dinner.

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