Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV

Madam Pomfrey quickly ran to my side. "H-how?" Remus asked. "I was just clutching onto life." I said, it was quiet difficult to talk. "No talking, focused on your breathing." Madam Pomfrey said. Ginny stood there, frozen almost as thought she had seen a ghost. Poppy laid me on a bed and grabbed her wand to heal my wounds the best she could. Ginny still standing in the same place. "Ginny dear." I said snapping her out of her trance. Without another word she ran to my side, tears falling from her eyes. "But I watched you die, you used your last breath to say you loved me!" She exclaimed. "You didn't think you'd lose me that easily now did you?" I giggled, sending a shooting pain to my stomach. "I'm so sorry y/n." Remus said. "It wasn't your fault." I said calmly Ginny grabbing ahold of my hand. I looked at Ginny who looked to be on the edge of a sob and used my thumb to wipe away a stray tear. "I'm going to be ok, rest is a I need and I'll be back to my normal self." I said. "Actually you won't, you won't be able to play quidditch." Ginny said. "That's fine Ginny, you know the only reason I played quidditch was to make you smile right?" I questioned and she blushed. "Really?" She asked. "Anything to see those cute dimples of yours." I said and kissed her cheek. Ginny blushed more and smiled. Hermione and Harry ran into the room and they smiled at me. "How you feeling?" Hermione asked. "Much better now that I have ginny." I said and grabbed her hand clutching it tightly. Hermione smiled at us and Harry looked at Professor Lupin with sad eyes.

I had to stay in the hospital wing for the rest of the school year which was lovely and Ginny never left my side, unless it was to eat, because I made her. Hermione visited me often and I thanked her for saving my life, for Ginny's sake.

"Hey love, brought you something to eat." Ginny said and set the food on the little table next to me. "Thanks Gin." I smiled and sat up, wincing in the process. "Mom says she'll be here soon to check on you. I mean we only have a few days left so I don't see the point but." Ginny giggled. "Well Maybe she'll take me home early." I joked and Ginny's eyes widened. "Not without me she won't!" Ginny stood from her chair and started to dance. "Why are you dancing?" I asked. "Remember when Charlie and Bill came back from Hogwarts and I stood just dancing to know music?" Ginny asked. "Ya, I also remember that I laughed at you." I giggled. "You May have laughed at me, but did you or did you not join me?" She asked. "Well, I believe I joined you." I said and started to move my head to an imaginary beat. I closed my eyes tight and imaged spinning Ginny in circles.

  Ginny left for class, because I made her and Molly had arrived two minutes after Ginny went to class. I sat up ready to be scolded for being so reckless , but Molly just pulled me into a hug. "Don't do that again!" She exclaimed. "Hey y/n, we pranked Snape for you!" Fred and George called. There eyes landed on molly and there eyes widened. "FRED,GEORGE!" Molly Yelled. "MADAM POMFREY!" I yelled. "Are you ok!" She asked in a panic. "Oh, I'm fine I'm calling for Fred and George." I said and she laughed.

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