Chapter 11

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My eyes opens and Ginny's hair was in my face making it hard for me to see. She turned and we where now face to face. "Well Smith I've got a question for you." She said, her voice ruff because she just woke up. "Can't it what?" I asked. "Nope, I was wondering if I could kiss you." She said. My eyes widened. "I mean I don't care, but there are proffers every so it probably not best to kiss here." I said, blushing like a mad man. "What's life without a little risk?" She questioned, her face growing closer to mine. "Before we do this, I have to know something gin, will you be my girlfriend?" I looked at her eyes for any reaction and smiled when she nodded eagerly. She looked around and quickly gave me a peck on the lips. She then giggled. "What's so funny kitten?" I asked. "I had my first kiss with a Werewolf." She said quietly and continued to giggle.

Time Skip
"It's the full moon so I can't cuddle for to long." I said and Ginny sighed. "Ok fine, but you have to promise to give me a kiss before you go." She said. "Well if course." I smiled

We cuddled for about an hour before I had to go. I stood up and grabbed her face. "I love you ginny." I said and kissed her very passionately. "You say that as if it's your last goodbye." She smiled. "It just might be." I said and giggled. "Don't joke like that y/n." She said and leaned In to give me a kiss again.

  I walked out and from a distance saw Professor Lupin. Quickly I ran over to him and saw Sirius Black, Hermione, Ron, Harry and a man I didn't recognize. "Lupin we have to go." I said trying to pull him away. "Remus, my old friend did you take your potion?" Black asked. 'Professor Lupin is Remus' "go, we'll hurt you!" I yelled, trying to push back Hermione Harry and Ron. Just then the full moon came out, sending me into a trance. Hermione pulled Ron and Harry pack as my very painful transformation began.

  I felt my body fall limp. Looking down I saw a huge gash on my stomachs "Y/n! Y/n! No! NO!" Ginny Yelled. Putting her hands on my stomach to try and stop the bleeding. "Not now y/n." She cried. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Her tears fell onto my stomach. "Hey, Stay with me love." She said and held her hand on my stomach. Her hands now full of blood and her hair fell in front of her face. I took my bloody and and moved some of her red hair out of her face, making her look at me. "I'm not going to make it gi—don't you say that, don't you dare say that!" She yelled, still putting pressure on my wound. "I love you Ginarva Weasley." My eyes shut tight and the last thing I heard was "NO, YOU WAKE UP!"

Ginny's POV

I sat there, my clothes and hand covers in blood. My hands still trying to stop the bleeding. "Ginny, she's gone dear." McGonagall said. "No, she can't be!" I yelled. I moved some of y/n's y/h/c hair out of her face. McGonagall grabbed my shoulders and tried to pull me away from y/n. "Let me go, she's going to live, let me go!" My voice became horse. "Ginny, I have a letter for you, it's from y/n she writes and told me to give it to you if anything ever happened, and we'll." McGonagall said handing me the letter.

Dear Ginny

I love you, and you know that. I used to love the way you would accuse me of liking all your brothers, when  you where the only one I Liked.  And I know that if your reading this then I unfortunately died on one of my transformations. I want you to k is that there's no need to blame yourself, move on and live a happy life. It's what I want for you. Because your My Red Head

Love, Y/n Smith.

My tears never stoped. "She's not gone. She's still here!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, but she no longer in the land of the living." Dumbledore said. That's it, she always loved me. I'm Her Redhead.

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