Chapter 9

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My Eyes shout open, and my breath was unsteady. I felt a hand on my arm and looked to my side to see Ginny with a worried look on her face. "Ginny?" I asked Confused. "Yes, who else Ron?" She laughed playfully. "I had the strangest dream, you where there and Professor Lupin, and Sirius Black was my dad." I said and she gave me a wired look. "Have you gotten into Fred and George's supplies?" Ginny asked. "What, no gin I'm not high!" I exclaimed. "Hey, it was a simple question." She said tasing her hands in defence. "What do we have first?" I asked. "Well first we have transfigurations, then I believe we have potions." She said. "Ugh potions." I complained. "Get dressed you big baby!" She laughed and walked over to her trunk. "Hey y/n, could I tell you something?" She asked. "Of course." I responded, grabbing my robes from my trunk. "What if I told you I found Hermione more attractive then Harry?" She asked. I giggled slightly. "What kind of attraction is it gin, romantic or sisterly?" I asked. "Romantic." She said quietly. "Then I one hundred percent supported your discussion." I smiled. I heard a sigh of relief and her trunk close. "Don't fell bad gin, I also fine Hermione more attractive then Harry." I said and ruffled her hair. She glared at me playfully and smiled.

  Transfigurations went by smoothly, McGonagall taught us how to turn a rat into a goblet. Potions was next and before I could even sit down Snape was giving me a hard time. "Miss smith, you'd you like to tell us what's in a dreamless sleep potion?" Snape asked. "No I would not." I said making Ginny kick me. "Very well Then, five points from Gryffindor." He said and turned to look at Ginny. "Now Miss Weasley what about you, could you name one, just one ingredient in a dreamless sleep potion?" Snape asked in a baby voice. I felt my blood boil and slammed my fist down on the desk before almost yelling at Snape. "Honeywater, Sopophorous Bean, Moly, Chamomile, Lavender, that good enough for you Professor!" Snape looked stunned and the entire class went silent, another Professor pocked his head in. "Everthing alright?" He asked. It was Professor Lupin. "It would be if Snape didn't treat all the Gryffindors in this school as if they where baby's!" I yelled. Casing Ginny to kick me again, but not say anything. "Ten points from Gryffindor, and determination Miss Smith." Snape said. He shot a glare at Professor Lupin and continued with class.

"You bloody idiot!" Hermione yelled while hitting me with her books. "Hermione, it was brilliant the way she stood up to snape." Ginny said  Hermione shot her a glare and look back at me. "You need to behave yourself, or you'll end up like black." She said. I felt my blood boil again. "I will not end up like black , because I have Ginny!" I yelled and ran off. "Why'd She day my name?" Ginny asked. " Honestly ginny it's because she loves you!" Hermione exclaimed and walked way. Ginny quickly ran after me.

"Y/n, y/n what up." Ginny said and followed me to the black lake. "Not now gin." I said and looked down Into the water. "I know y/n." She said in a serious tone. "I know that you love me, I've been told by seven people, seven. Now I just need to hear it from you." She said. My heart stoped. "Who were the seven?" I asked. "Hermione, George, Ron, Fred, Luna, Bill, and Charlie." She said. Damn it.  I finally turned to look at her. "I do Ginny, I really do, but you have to now the monster I am." I said. "What monster, your not a monster because you like girls y/n, because if that makes you a monster I'm a monster to." She smiled. "No, I'm an actual monster. Ones that you've only heard about in story's from Molly, or heard with your own ears on a full moon. Ginny I'm a Werewolf." I felt my eye fill with tears and my body became warm as she didn't say anything. "Please Ginny don't hate me, I should have told you sooner I know, but I didn't want to hurt you!" I cried. "Oh y/n. I could never hate you." She dropped to her knees in front of me. "I could never hate you, because I love you." She said. I finally looked up to meet her eyes. She had a smile planted on her face and tears rolling down her cheeks. She used her thumb to wipe away one of my tears and let out a shaky giggle. "So after you where petrified, when you came home with those cuts, it's because your a werewolf?" She asked. "Ya." I said and looked back down at my hands in shame. "That explains so much!" She said and pulled me into a hug. "Can I call you puppy?" She whispered. "What no, I'm not a dog gin!" I said and laughed. "Please, I'll let you call me kitten if I can call you puppy!" She wined. "Ok Kitten." I said with a evil grin. "I'm going to regret this aren't I?" She asked and I nodded. "Oh very mush so."

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