Chapter 8

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This Summer was fun, we got to go on vacation thanks to Some money the weasleys got. Sirius Black had excaped from Azkaban, but unlike everyone else even though  I didn't know him I had a gut feeling he was innocent. the first transformation after being petrified was the worsed, i came home with at least a concussion and twenty more scratches. Ginny thought it was her fault even though she has know idea of the moster i become ones a mouth. I even came to a painful relization. 'Even if ginny did like me, we could never be together from fear that I might hurt her' this broke my heart .

  "Come On well be late." Ginny exclamied pulling me to the train so we could find luna I was to tired to actually pay attention where she had been pulling me. when we finally did we greeted her with a hug. "LUNA!" I squealed. we hadn't been in contact all summer becaues of our vication. "Y/n, Ginny, How lovely it is to see you." She said, "Still the same old luna I see." I smiled. "Crap I have to get my robs from George." Ginny said and left to compartment. "You like her?" Questioned luna out of know where. "I-I Where did you get that Idea?" I asked and blushed a little. "They way you look at her, its like prince looks at his princess , well its how I imagin a prince would look at his princess." She said. My blush more, was it really that obvious that i had a crush on My best Friend. "I supoues i do, but nothing will ever happen." I said. "And way not?" She asked. "Because she likes Harry Potter." I said and looked at my feet. Luna was about to say something and then ginny walked into the compartmet. "Well your very talkative." She said and giggled. "Oh-GINNY!" I yelled and grabbed her as the train jerked forward, if i hadn't of grabbed her she would have hit her head on the handle and gone unconscious. I pulled her close to my chest as a way to protect her when a big figure came into our compartmet. the room went cold and all happyniness was drained, A blue light shout the Ghost looking thing away. "You girls ok?" Asked a new voice. I was almost positive that this was the new DADA Teacher. I pulled my head up from ginnys hair and looked at the man. he had scares on his face jut like me. "We're fine thank you." Luna said and I finally let go of ginny.

we sat down for dinner and dumbledor explaned that dementors would be protecting the castle from Sirius Black And the knew DADA Teacher. R.J.Luipn. The fest went by quickly and I was planing on talking to Professor lupin after dinner.

"Professor Lupin?" I said as a question. "You sould be in your common room." He said. "Well yes, but i couldnt help but notice on the train, all your scars are yo-" I was cut off by him nodding. "I am, and Im guessing you are as well?" He said as a question. I nodded not finding the voice to speak. "Well You should be getting to bed, its almost curfew ." He said and I went to leave when I had the sudden urge to hug him, or to comfort him. "Proffeser Lupin, Do you belive you deserve life?" I asked. His smile fadded, not that he had much of one to begin with. "I do not, but im here." He said saddly. It was weird, I felt a conection to him, Like he was a father. Without warning or hesitation I hugged him. "You do dissever life, dont tell yourself any diffrent." I said before leaving the class and running back to the Gryffindor common room.

"I was worried sick, You just dissapered." Ginny said, I looked around the room. "sorry I was talking to Professor lupin about tomorrows lesson, said it would be very cool." I said with a smile. "Oh ya." she laughed.

Ginny soon fell asleep and I was left wake. I couldnt help but think about mine and Luna's comversation on the train. then my mind diriffted to the dream i had while petrified. "R.J.Lupin?" I said, Remus startes with an R, thats all i know. its a wiled guess . Finally I fell asleep.

I looked around a room, I was in a drak place. "Where am I?" i asked. "Honey were at home." Came ginnys voice. "but its so dark." I said and grabbed my wand. "Whoa, Not infront of the kids remember our agreement." thats when I noticed ginny was holding the Silhouette of a baby, and the silhouette of a two and a four year old in front of me. I turned on a light. The girl In ginnys arms had firey red hair just like ginny and y/e/c just like me. the one of the boys in front of me had blue hair and looked kinda like Professor lupin. "Teddy, take Sirius up to his room please." she said referring to the boys infront of her. the girl in her arms started to sat. "Here, take Erica, I need sleep." She said, but I stopped her. "What is happening." I asked "Well, our children are tired, sirius is named after your adopted father, which is why our name is black and you let me name Erica. Teddy Is Remus's and Tonks who passed away in the war. You are Teddy's godmother so we took him, you sure your ok?" She said. Sirius Black, the mass muderar was my adoted father! "Ya, Sorry gin. ummm go on to bed." I said with a smile. It was all so confusing. was I in a diffrent reality, the future, And out of all people to pass away way remus, the man that doesn't want to live.

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