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"Hi Tomu." I squeak out still facing the wall not wanting to face him.

"Who are you and why are you in my bar!?" I can feel the anger coming off of him. Yeah probably shouldn't have called him that right off the bat.
"And don't call me that. That's not my name!" He spat out at me. At this time everyone that was in the bar got really still. His anger began to boil as I stood there facing the wall not replying to him.
"Answer me!" A small smile formed on my face. And I whipped around turning to face him.

"You're telling me you don't know who I am? It really hasn't been that long Tomu." I said crossing my arms staring at him through my blindfold

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME THAT!" He yells at me now starting to get annoyed. "No ones allowed to call me that!"

I just laughed.  "It's been 4 years since I left and you forgot about me? Wow some best friend you are." I said now turning my smile into a pouty lip. Tomura just stood there in front of me shocked not knowing how to reply to what I had just said.

"Tomura, Jillian is back All For One.." Kurogiri didn't get to finish his sentence because Tomura cut him off.

"This isn't Jillian." He spat. "Don't tell me that she's coming back! She left the league on her own terms because she wanted a normal life!" He said now turned towards the bar.

"Damn did I really say that?" I said out loud thinking he wasn't going to hear me. But he did.

He spun around now looking at me with anger and confusion in his eyes. "If you were really her I would know! She would never cover her face like you are."

" if you wanted to see my face all you had to do was ask." I say and I moved my hands up to remove my blindfold, but was stopped by a hand that only put 4 fingers on me.
"Oh relax. I'm just removing my blindfold so you can see my eyes. That's what you wanted to see right?" And with that he let go of my arm. I removed my blindfold and looked at him. My light gray eyes looked right into his red ones. I never really got a goo look at him since he was yelling at me. He really let himself go. This mad me sad and worried. My eyes changed. One went purple and the other went blue.  As I looked down and the floor.

"Jill?" He whispered. I didn't move I stayed looking at the floor.

"I tried to tell you. But you kept cutting me off." Kurogiri says

"SHUT UP!" Tomura yells back at him now he's angry

"Look at me!" He says and I slowly look up at him.
He stairs at me for what feels like hours.

"I'm sorry I left I had no choice. All For One said he would hurt you if I didn't leave and if I told you why or where I was going he was going to kill you and...." I felt a tear run down my face and a hand moved up and whipped it away making sure only one finger touched and not all 5. And then it stopped.

Right where one of my marks started. I had 2 handprint marks on my face from the day I left. He had grabbed me face with both hands and these marks appeared after that and had never left.

"How did this happen!? WHO DID THIS!?" He's now enraged at the fact that I have to handprints on my cheeks.

"You did." I whispered so he could barely hear me.


"YOU DID!" I yelled at him. He was taken back by this.
"You did this to me! The day I left you did this!" I yelled now starting to ball my eyes out and my eyes went a deep dark blue. He stepped back away from me looking at his hands.

"And every day they hurt. There's never a day they didn't hurt. Except for today. Up until you saw me they didn't hurt." Now coming down from my high of yelling at him. " and here you are living your life moved on from me not even knowing what I look like." I said as I turned away from him

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