Getting x To x Know x One x Another (Chapter 4)

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Gon was about to jump. "Can I go? Can I go?" He was repeating. Soon enough the boys were gone. I laugh and set the egg down. I sigh and sit down. I gather my thoughts and started to blush. "Why am I being like this? I don't like him! Why am I blushing?" I cup my face and close my eyes.

-Getting x to x know x one x another-

~Time skip (2 hours)~
I wake up to see Killua waving his hand in my face. "Earth to (Y/N)-Chan?"

"The hell? I am not dying, Baka!"

"You looked like you were dying Baka!"

I backed off because his aura was getting more like my mom's. I look away to see Gon in my face. "Hey (Y/N) do you feel better?" Gon said concerned. I start backing up and I bump into Kurapika. I yelp and turn to Kurapika. "Gomen Kurapika." I start to form sweat. "Ok, all of you back off though!" I shout because they were all cornering me.

They soon step away besides Killua. "You ok?"

"No. I am a bit dizzy." I said a bit frustrated. "O-ok thank you for telling me what is wrong." He pulls me into a hug. I mean I had to accept it so I hug him back. I soon fall back to sleep.

Killua's Pov:

I hug her tightly until I heard her snoring. I put her on my back and I go over to Gon. "Hey, Gon we should get on the blimp before it leaves us!" I commented. Gon offers to hold (Y/N) and I accept. I start walking over to the blimp.

Y/N pov:

I soon get dropped and I got instantly pissed. "Who dropped me?" Gon chuckles nervously and apologizes. "Ugh...It's fine Gon." I walk onto the blimp and I immediately go into a free room. I put all my stuff in the room and notify Killua where we are staying.

"Oh (Y/N) stay next to me." He grabs my hand and starts walking to the kitchen. Gon stole my other hand and laughed. I followed. "Hey did you ever get to see our Dad?" Gon commented. "Nope. That old man is nothing I am concerned about." I smile and started to laugh.

~Time skip (20 minutes)~

Gon looks at Killua. "Hey, so I was wondering..." Gon started to utter.


"Your parents. Are they- I mean where are they?" Gon continued. "They are alive-" I cut him off. "Probably."

"What do they do?"

"They are assassins," Killua replied. Gon gasps. "They both are?" Killua looks at him straight in his eyes and starts to laugh. "That is your response? You really are a riot aren't you?" "I mean do you see what he wears? I am surprised you go outside with those green booty shorts." I look out the window.

"Wha-" He looked at us confused and sat down. Killua sits down taking me with him. I sat in front of him as he rests his head on the crook of my neck. "You are not the first person I have told about my parents but, you are the first to take it seriously." He continued.

"But it is true isn't it?" He looks at Killua which makes him look at me. I don't like having eye contact with people besides Killua because well have you seen his blue eyes? I can stare into them and probably never stop. "Why do you think that?" He repositions so his legs are around my waist. He pulls me to his chest and I start to blush. Gosh, when was he ever this clingy?

"It's just a hunch!" Gon smiles as he crosses his feet making him sit criss-cross. "Weird most of the time people only like me because they can't tell if I am serious or not."

"No one talks to you though. Illumi banned you from having any friends. He said 'AsSaSsInS CaN't HaVe FrIeNdS." I mock Killua's brother. He laughs and smiles. I blush more cause he is so close to me I can feel him breathing. God if this is his way of making me fall in love with him I can say it is working. Kind of.

"Huh?" Gon questioned again. He looked at me confused too because my face a pink. "I am from a family of assassins."

"And I have to marry this Baka when we turn 18."

"Sooo yeah. They are in the business of murder." he got frustrated with me because I kept cutting him off. "But his siblings are the cutest!"

"And my family got real high hopes for us." He squeezes me more. I shut my mouth and let them talk. I know I am not a toy but I don't want to get him on his nerves.

"But you know I can't stand it! Who wants their whole life planned out for 'em? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all flipped out!" He frowns again but slowly got furious. "Yeah, it was crazy. His mom had actual tears racing down her face and she kept screaming how we had so much potential." I explained.

Gon just giggled awkwardly. "Horrible parents, right?" Killua sighed. I felt coldness run down my back.

"Stop that!"

"Stop breathing?"


Gon laughed again and let Killua continue. "Then we started fighting so I slashed my mom in the face and stabbed my brother's side and ran away from home that night!" He looked proud. "I am sure they are out for blood now! If they come after me I will just kill 'em. When I get my license, I'll hunt them down the very last one. I am even willing to bet they got pretty hefty bounties on their heads."

"Besides two of his siblings! They are adorable!" A minute later Killua and Gon look over my shoulder and Killua growls a bit. What is he a cat? Actually, he might be a cat. I don't understand him.

Chairman Netreo comes behind us "something wrong?" He starts to walk over to us. For some reason, I am behind Killua and Gon. I am stronger than both of them yet they are protecting me? I roll my eyes and put my hands behind my neck. "Mr. Netreo, you didn't see anyone coming from that side, did you?" Gon pointed to the hallway.

I knew it was him but I was rolling with the punches so I didn't say anything. "No, I didn't." He assured Gon. I push my up to Netreo and smile kindly. "You are fast!"

"I barely moved. That's all. Anyway, what were your thoughts on the first phrase?"

"I am honestly disappointed." Killua and I said in sync.

"I-It was fun. Thankfully there weren't any written exams."

"Ugh let's go already Gon and (Y/N)" Killua started to leave.

"Wait! I just wanted to play a little game that is all."

The hell? Is he a Hisoka or something? (Hisoka normally came inside the house while Killua was outside so I knew about him. I am surprised that I became friends with him.) I get the chills but turn to face him.

"Game?" Gon said as Killua turns.

"And to make it interesting, of you beat me you will become hunters on the spot." He stared at me.

"Really?! I will play!" Gon practically jump in the air.

I and Killua agree. He started walking away so we can follow him.

I Hate You! (Killua Zoldyck x Fem. Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now