A x Sneaky x Finish (Chapter 7)

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The woman scoffs. "I knew it." I and Kurapika said in sync. He smiles at me and I smile back.

-A x Sneaky x Finish

(Sorry I forgot the flashback in the other chapter.)

"Dirty, stinkin' old man!" Killua scoffs. "But- how did you know?" Gon looked more confused. "Um basically he is being a perv and he is wanting to feel her body." I say shivering. "Oh alright."

Leorio: "Ok! Reveal the answer!"

Women: "That's too bad. I'm really a woman."

Leorio: "Oh, you are, huh?"

Women: "Well, want to check for yourself?"

Leorio: "Well, don't mind if I do! I mean just to be fair, of course."

~Time Skip~
Me and Killua groan. "It is physically painful to watch this." Kurapika facepalms. "He's going to lose. No question. She can already see right through his strategy. He's betting safe. It's obvious. Hedging his bets to minimize the damage. He's the kind of gambler who tries to avoid losing instead of trying to win. That kind of betting never takes home a prize." Tonpa explained. "Didn't I say to shut your trap?" I look at him with an emotionless look. He gulps and looks away from me.

WoMaN: "Well? Your turn to pick out what we bet next. So what do you wanna wager?"

Kurapika: "Leorio has no room for error. Losing the next bet would tie the score up at a two-to-two and we lose 50 hours. Leaving very little time to clear the tower."

I watch as Leorio mumbles. I do some footwork until Leoiro decides.

Leorio: "All right! I know what we are betting on! Let's bet on who will win rock-paper-scissors!"

Woman: "Why not?"

Kurapika: "Is he serious? Way did he have to pick such a difficult wager?"

Gon: "Wait. What's so hard about rock-paper-scissors?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Yeah, he is losing. I am just going to sleep." I leave everyone to go in the hallway. I get my book out and started to read. I soon fell asleep.

~Time Skip~
"(Y/N)!! Killua is about to go!" I hear Gon say. I get up and walk to the front. "Can you be my cheerleader?" Killua leaves before I can agree. Leorio is trying to 'warn' Killua but he ignores him. I smirk and watch Killua's inaudible conversation. I see Killua go for the man and I smile brighter. "YASS DRAG HIM KIL! THROW IT OFF THE CLIFF!" I kept repeating. He didn't make eye contact with me until he gave the heart back to the poor man. He smiled at me and walked back. "Alright then!" The last prisoner shouted as they walked to the middle. "Am I up against the pretty lady there?" The prisoner chuckled. "Yeah." I walk to the center and place my hand on my hip. He had white hair and blue eyes.

"So what battle are we choosing exactly?" I asked

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"So what battle are we choosing exactly?" I asked. "You are the lady. You get to choose." He replied. "Ok, a battle to the death it is but with weapons." I smile politely as if I complimented him. "Ok. Hey Leroute! Grab my ax." He turns to her. "How am I supposed to give it to you?" She holds it out. "Um, Kil throw me my knife." He did as I asked him and I catch the weapon. "Thanks" I look at the Dollar Store Killua and smile. "Why are you smiling? You are about to die." He swings at the ax. "Because I can? Am I not allowed to smile? I roll my eyes and within a second he is on the ground and I am behind him choking him. "I wanted you to have a fighting chance but, obviously you aren't good enough." I strangled him until he was dead. "Oh? Already?" I get up and walk to the back. I pick up my bag and get ready to leave.

Hisoka's pov:
I see Illumi comes out and I rush to him. "Hey Il-Gittarackur! Is (Y/N) home or did the lovebirds run away again?" I ask. "They are here." He replied. "Really? Out of all the things they could do?" I came to a realization and chuckled. "It was Killua's idea wasn't it?" I ask. He nods in response and I shake my head. "Those kids are always are doing something." I sit back down and sigh. At least I get to see her soon. She's probably going to be mad at me though. I saw her with Gon so I know they at least close friends. Little does she know I almost killed Gon. "Heh." I slip out. "I hope I don't die." I don't think I told Illumi this but... Whenever (Y/N) finishes learning nen she would be stronger than me. But just by an inch.

(Y/N) pov:

We were about to leave until Killua picked me up and he set me down on his shoulders "Alright let's go." We started to walk into the room and we put our shoes away (More like I organized them to look neat.) I smile and sit down. This going to be a long 50 hours.

I Hate You! (Killua Zoldyck x Fem. Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now