First x Meet (Chapter 1)

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(A/N: M/N means Mother's name.)

Y/N Pov~

My mother was always kind to me so she tried to make this "Better for me than the family." She was carrying me and her shoulders as we walk through the gate.

"Mama one day I can meet my twin brother, right? The one that left with Daddy?!"

"Of course! But not today. You have to meet your future husband!"

My smile quickly disappeared "I am sorry but your story isn't adding up! You said that we were going to meet your friend!"

"We are but she also wanted an arranged marriage with her middle child." She transferred me to her holding me. "I am sorry Y/N but I agreed..."

I make eye contact with her and smile. "So you are snooping up to Daddy's level then?" And let me tell you I hit her where it hurts most. She put me down and didn't talk to me anymore. We were like that until we met this lady that looked half-robot. I got scared and hid behind mom. She introduced me and stepped away.

"Hello, Y/N-Chan!" The Robot lady crouched down and smiles at me. I look at her and smile softly "Good morning Miss. Robot lady!" I look at mom and she gave me a deathly look.

Robot Lady laughed "My name is Kikyo! And that is Killua. He is five just like you!" She gestures to the boy that was looking at the floor. We didn't make eye contact.

"Hey, Kikyo how about my daughter stays with you for a few days or months." She stares at me with a scary aura. My mom already taught me Nen so I know how to classify it.

"Oh of course M/N!" Kikyo said. She picked me up carefully. You are going to have to stay with Killua so he can open the doors for you. Surprisingly her hands were soft and her aura was sweet. I relaxed a bit and we started to head inside. I noticed Killua was staring at me and I look at him. He looked away.

We get to the house and Kikyo shows me our room. I thank her and sit on the bed.

"Oi! Mama said we can go to the store to get you some clothes!" The white-haired boy told me a few hours later. I shrugged and walked outside with him.

"Won't people be concerned that 5-year-olds are buying clothes?"

"No, They know about my family so we should be fine." We went to the clothing store and went to the girl's section.

Killua showed me some clothes and I look at them. "Those are fine I guess..." He showed me a dress but the rest were pants and shorts along with matching shirts. Kind of like his style. "Loosen up...I promise I don't bite." He said. I sigh and continued walking.

"Why don't you like me? He looked at me pouting a little. "I'm wanna be your friend." I get a bit annoyed and take the bags away from him. "Because I don't want to be your friend!" I start walking faster. He catches up to me soon adjusting to my speed. I roll my eyes and continue walking "Whatever." I chuckle a bit.

Killua stops me, "I know you don't like me but, may you please be my friend?" He asked looking at the ground. I inhaled slowly and I smiled. "Alright." I told him. He smiles. "Hey can I hold a few?" He asked. "Yeah, they're getting kinda heavy anyway." I give him half of the bags.  "I'll race you!" He started to run to the house. "What? That's no fair you started without me!" I quickly started to run in attempt to catch up tho him.

When we get to the house he opens the door with his foot. He only opened one door though. He kept walking to the house until he opened the door to inside the house. I was behind him.

"Oh hello Zoldycks." I said as Kikyo and Illumi looked at me.

"You guys are getting along I see?"

"Yeah you can say that..." I said as I smiled at her.

Word count: 709

I Hate You! (Killua Zoldyck x Fem. Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now