18: Siren

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I found myself enchanted by her voice. She sang to me in the most angelic voice I had ever heard. I didn't understand the language, but it was beautiful none the less.

I didn't know her name, all I knew was that I wanted her. She had shiny caramel skin, dark hair, and bright purple eyes that matched her lips. She stood in front of me, perfect and completely naked. She didn't smell like the lake that surrounded us. I couldn't describe the way she smelt, it was immense and unique.

She traced her hands over my face, neck, and chest. I couldn't move any part of my body, it was like I was paralyzed.

"Tell me you love me." She finally spoke words.

"I... I..." I hesitated, not being able to say it. My mind knew I loved her, but my heart wouldn't allow me to say it. Then the image of golden eyes and red lips appeared in my mind.

"A-Amira..." I whispered.

Her face turned into anger once I said Amira's name and she grabbed my face with both hands.


With all the strength I could muster to fight against saying those three words she wanted to hear, I grabbed a hold of her wrists.

"No," I said calmly.

She started screaming, but it was more of a screeching sound. She threw her fist right into my stomach and I went flying across the air and hit a tree.

Lying on the ground, I slowly opened my eyes. That's when the memory of what led to this very moment, came rushing back in an instant.


"Today we're going into Siren territory."

I had said to Devin, Savannah, and six guards that would accompany us. My parents were in the room, they wanted to observe my skills as the future Alpha King.

"They are very territorial and will not act kindly to intruders." Dad commented.

We all nodded at my father and then Savannah spoke up.

"I've enchanted these wristbands to prevent you men from falling into a Siren's trance," she placed a bag full of black wristbands on the table. We each grabbed one and put them on.

"Thank you, Savannah." I nodded at her. "By no means do we take these off or shift."

"Everyone remembers what to do?" I asked one last time before we ended the meeting.

The guards slightly bowed and in unison said, "Yes, Alpha Prince."

"We leave in twenty minutes." They all left to prepare their things.

"My boy, I am proud of you." My father grabbed my shoulder, facing me. "A true leader."

"Yes sweetheart, we are very proud." My mother placed a hand on my face. "But I still want you to be very careful. I love you."

"Thanks, I love you."

My mother kissed me on the cheek before both of my parents left the room. I turned to look at Devin and Savannah.

"Momma's boy," Devin flashed a mocking grin. I glared at him and quickly punched him on the chest.

"Ow, uncalled for." Devin rubbed at his chest.

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