36: Party

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As we made it past the garden arch, Savannah walked towards us with cake in hand. The cake had a few small candles lit up on it and two big candle sparklers.

"Surprise." I softly spoke in Amira's ear.

Amira's mouth hung slightly open and I was anxiously waiting for the reaction of whether she liked it or not. Amira turned to face me and her face hadn't changed. The next second her face changed to a glare and I almost feared for my life. That was until she flashed me a small smirk, then turned back to the cake as the sparklers died down. 

"Make a wish, Meer." Savannah said as she brought the cake closer to Amira.

Amira blew out the candles and everyone cheered. They quickly went back to mingling amongst themselves as Savannah brought the cake back to the small round table. I quickly grabbed Amira, slamming her against my chest. 

"You little tease," I spoke against the nook of her neck and let out a low playful growl.

"The look on your face. Are you scared of me, my Prince?" There was a mischievous glint in Amira's eyes as she spoke.

"Petrified." I whispered in her ear and gently nibbled on her earlobe.

"Oh c'mon you guys..." Devin came in between us and put his arms around our shoulders, "not the time to foreplay, it's time to party!"

"Come on Meer, lets get to dancing, the girls are waiting." Savannah pulled Amira to the dance floor where Ky, Jade, Sophie and a couple of Siren warriors were already dancing. Amira dramatically stretched her arm out for me to help her from being dragged, her silliness was amusing. 

"You looking empty there, Pup." Seth placed a shot in my hand as he downed his own. 

"Hell yeah!" Devin shouted as he watched Seth. "Game on!"

As soon as I took the shot we moved to the bar. Caleb was already there with a drink talking it up with a cute looking Siren warrior. He was touching her on the arm and she was giggling at his flirtatious words.  

"Watch this," Devin whispered to me, "it's payback." Dev walked over to Caleb in a hyper manner. 

"Yo Caleb, come take some shots with us."

"Can't you see I'm busy," Caleb said through his smile, trying to not act irritated. Caleb gestured to the girl with his eyes so Devin could take the hit. Devin acted shocked like he didn't know he was interrupting, but the next words out of Dev's mouth caught Seth and I by surprise and we tried to hold in our laughs. 

"What will your baby momma think of this? She's at home taking care of your baby." The Siren didn't even say anything and just walked away from them after giving Caleb a disgusted look.

"What the fuck, dude, you just lost me my lay for tonight." Caleb was annoyed while Devin just busted out laughing. Seth and I walked closer to them.

"Don't worry pretty boy, you'll live." I teased Caleb as I patted him on the back.

"You never had a chance anyway." Devin said while chuckling. "Jade told me that these warriors live by a strict code when it comes to sex." Caleb just groaned as he took the shot Seth passed him.

"I know this isn't the time to ask, Pup, but what is the plan after tonight?" Seth asked and I knew what he was referring to.

"I'm not sure, man." I started whispering so only the four of them could hear me. "But be aware of any suspicious behavior from my family members, Claw has to be someone here tonight because there are no other relatives that have the knowledge Claw has about the royal secrets."

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