Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Maia woke up. Checked her clock and laid down again. Just like every other night. She always woke up around 6AM, wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't. She was nervous, immensly nervous. The day she dreaded for over a year now, came so close. She remembered the day her mother told her. Told her her turn would come. It was the day her brother Regulus officially became a death eater.

"Morning, Reg," Maia said "what's up? What's the sad face for?" "It's today." He answered softly. "What?" "Mother is making me a death eater." "Really? I thought you didn't want to?" "Well, I changed my mind! Mother says it's what I'm meant to do and I think she's right!" He snapped at her. Maia was a bit offended but shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you want, Reg. Just know that I won't let her walk over me like that."

Maia remembered this conversation all to well. She didn't want to. It felt like that was the moment she started loosing her brother. It was over a year ago. She was 14, he was 16. To scared to stop what she was trying to do. To scared to say "no". To scared she would use the cruciatus curse on him. She also remembered the little talk she had with her mother after Regulus' first death eater meeting.

"Next year, after your 15th birthday, it will be your turn, Maia." "What why? I don't want that!" She said, way to fast. Her mother's facial expression changed immediately. "What?!" She snapped. "You don't WANT to?!" Maia stumbled backwards. "You are going, you know why? Because we, WE, have to save our world! Those mudbloods are destroying everything we, purebloods, build. WE, have to clean the world of mudbloods and half-breeds and rule the Muggles as pure-blood wizards!" Maia couldn't say a word. She disagreed with every word she just heard but nodded. She didn't want to. She couldn't help herself. Agreed to her mother's yelling in hope she wouldn't hurt her.

On that moment she wanted to see Sirius so bad. He would've known what to do. However he wasn't there. He got away. Away from their mother, away of her pure-blood crap. Maia's desire to have Sirius with her had never been as much than on that moment. Now her thoughts were back to her bed. Back to 15-year old Maia, who had to join the death eaters tomorrow.

This day, the day before she had the feeling her life would end, was hell for her. Her parents, especially her mother, constantly reminded her of the thing they called "the beginning of her future". Maia was, ofcourse, scared. She had the feeling she didn't have a choice but deep down, she knew. Knew that wasn't true. Sirius had one, right? She decided to just let it happen. Maia promised to herself, she wouldn't let everything walk over her like with Regulus. She would make sure she always kept her own opinion, even if that meant she couldn't show it. 

Maia woke up, again way to early. She knew what was waiting for her that day. It was to late to run away. In 2 hours her mother would drag her to her first meeting. She kept thinking. Thinking how this would influence the rest of her life. The anxiety hit her again. It hit hard. She started breathing heavily and crying. Trying to calm down. She had had this before and knew how to handle it. She got out of her bed 15 minutes later and went downstairs to get some breakfast. Her parents were still asleep. Regulus was already at the table, eating his cereal. "Morning, Sis." He said, exceptionally cheerful. "So," replied Maia, "you're in a good mood." "Yes, wanna know why?" "Tell me!" For a minute there Maia forgot about becoming a death eater. It was her and her brother again. Laughing, talking. She loved it. "I'm just happy," he said, "that I'm able to share this with you. I could never talk to you about this before. However now, you'll understand. Understand why I hate it so much." Maia nodded. She understood what he meant. Maybe it seemed as if he let everything walk over him because he felt alone. She thought that must be it.

Time went by and her parents were ready to go. Maia would apparate holding her father's arm and Regulus with their mother. They arrived at the place where today's meeting would take place and walked through the gate. The doors of the giant house opened automatically and they walked inside. They passed hallways full of paintings and armours. Walburga stopped at a door with golden handles and tapped the door with her wand. It opened and inside the room was one, big table. There were already loads of people sitting there. "There they are." said a scratchy, high voice. "The Blacks, with our newest member." "Yes, my Lord." Said Orion, "We're here to serve you and present to you our daughter." "This is Maia Pegasus Black." Said Walburga. Maia noticed a tone of disgust in her voice which disappeared when she said her last name.

The meeting started and everybody was staring at Maia. She felt uncomfortable. Voldemort, apparently the man with the high voice, said some names and started talking. He asked for someone who was prepared to offer him their house-elf which he needed for something he didn't want to say. Walburga was the first the answer: "My Lord, Kreacher will do anything you want. We will do everything you want. You can have Kreacher, we would be honoured!" Maia was disgusted. Her mother sucking up to the Dark Lord. Lucky for her, the meeting was over after an hour and they could go home again. She didn't say anything the rest of that day. She was stressed and worried about Kreacher. Whatever Voldemort wanted him for, it could never be good.

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