Chapter 1: Finally

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"Sirius!" Sirius heard his sister's voice echoing through the hallway. "Sirius! Where are you!" "Maia! I'm in my room, packing." He said back. His little sister came looking around the corner of his room. "There you are." She said. "I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts! I can finally meet your famous friends." She chuckled and sat down next to him on his bed. "I should start packing too. See you later!" She went over to her own room en grabbed her trunk. "What do I need...?" She murmered to herself. She found all her new schoolbooks under her bed, and put them in the trunk. Her robes and dragon leather gloves followed. She still needed her cauldrons and she wanted to take a specific photo of her and her brothers in a playground with her to Hogwarts.

She searched for the list of things she had to buy for school, to check if she really packed everything. She closed the trunk and placed her wand on top to make sure she wouldn't forget it. Her barn owl Skye stood in her cage on top of Maia's desk.

"Children!" Screamed their mother. "Are you ready to go?" "Yes, mother." Said Maia while she ran down the stairs, towards the front door. Then they heard Regulus' voice: "I'm coming." He said. Sirius walked quietly down the stairs. He had his trunk in his hand and his wand in his other hand. "Isn't father coming with us?" Maia asked. "No." Said Walburga, "He is at work." Maia looked disappointed but still excited to go. They walked outside towards the car. Sirius opened the trunk of the car and put their trunks inside.

After a 15 minutes journey they arrived at King's Cross. It was 10.45 AM, so they had to hurry a little. "Sirius," said Maia, while they were walking towards the wall between platform 9 and 10. "Can I sit with you?" She asked. "I don't want to sit by myself." "Sure you can," Said Sirius. "but most friendships start on the train you know. I met James on the train too." "Really? You did?" She said. "I'll search a compartment by myself then." Sirius smiled. Watching his little, black haired, eleven year old sister skip ahead of him warmed his heart. She was so excited to go to Hogwarts, make friends, meet his.

"Don't you want to meet Regulus' friends?" He asked, when she walked next to him again. "I thought he didn't have any?" She replied. Sirius laughed. She was kind of correct. Regulus was a lone wolf. He hung out with some other Slytherins sometimes, but he was by himself most of the time.

They stood in front of the barrier. Maia was nervous. She sat down on Regulus' trolley. He hugged her. "There's no need to be scared." He whispered. "We're just getting on the train, arrive at Hogwarts, and you can start your own life there." She hugged him back. "Time to go," snarled Walburga. "the train will leave in five minutes."

They put their luggage on the train and Sirius, Regulus and Maia got inside. They waved at their mother and searched for compartments. "Sirius," said Maia agian. "I want to sit with you, meet your friends and then I'll go away." "Sure, Munchkin." He said. Maia laughed, she liked it when he called her that. She followed him until he stopped in front of a compartment. He opened the door and one of the boys inside jumped at him. "Sirius!" He said loudly.

"James!" Said Sirius. Apparently this boy was James. She could've known. He had black, messy hair and round glasses. "Remus!" Said Sirius then, "Peter!" They all high-fived eachother and sat down. "Guys," he said. "This is my little sister, Maia. She was dying to meet you guys." He laughed. The other Marauders followed. Maia turned bright red. "No need to be embarressed." Said James. "We like having you here." She smiled. "Sirius told me so much about you." She said. "I'm curious know." Replied Remus. "Watch out boys," Sirius said, laughing. "As soon as she starts talking, she won't stop." Maia punched him in his stomache. It wasn't hard ofcourse. She could never hit him hard. After around 15 minutes, she went to search a compartment of her own.

"Hey," she said, when she found one with a boy and a girl of her age inside. "do you mind if I join you? Everywhere else is full." "Ofcourse not." they said. Maia sat next to the girl. She had blonde hair and green eyes. "I'm Maia." She said. "My name is Christy Meadows." Said the blonde girl. "I am Miles Millingham." Said the boy. They started talking about their lives at home, quidditch, what they expected of Hogwarts and soon Maia wasn't nervous anymore.

All first-years sat down in one of the small boats and peddled across the black lake. Professor McGonagall was waiting for them when they arrived. She told them the sorting ceremony would begin. The giant doors in front of the great hall opened and every first-year walked inside.

Everyone was staring. At the first-years, at the other students, at the ceiling. Maia spotted Sirius with his friends at the Gryffindor table. She also saw Regulus sitting next to a ginger girl at the Slytherin table. She didn't know where she wanted to be sorted. McGonagall was in front of the hall. She stood next to a stool with an old hat on top of it. "This is the sorting hat." She said. "You will sit down on the stool and I will place the hat onto your head.
"Adams, Simon." You couldn't see his eyes anymore, when he had the hat on. "HUFFLEPUFF!" Yelled the hat.
"Black, Maia." It was already her turn! She tried not to panick in her head. She walked to the stool and sat down. She saw Sirius giving her the thumbs up. "SLYTHERIN!" yelled the hat. Maia was shocked. She didn't know what to think. She walked quietly towards the cheering Slytherin table.

Maia Pegasus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now