The Turtle's Shadow

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ThAtS riGhT! Tis me. Ready to provide you with another *hopefully* spectacular story! All I really wanna say before jumping right in is...

Thank you sooo much Tigercoolyeet for requesting this story! I hope it's as good as you wanted! ❤️

Alright girls and boys! I really hope you do enjoy! 😉

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own TMNT. Also, Olari belongs to Tigercoolyeet

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"C'mon Mikey! Keep up!"

Six-year-old Michelangelo groaned at his blue-clad brother's demand.

"But Leoooo..." He whined. "There's so much shiny stuff in these tunnels!" He reached down and picked something up off the ground.

"See, look!" He held up the object in front of Leonardo's face, waving it around excitedly. "Shiny!"

Leonardo took one glance at the object and dead-panned. "Mikey, that's a candy wrapper."

"C'mon guys!" Donnie called from up ahead. He was carrying a map of the sewers, drawn out in crayons. He had found an amazing sewer pool from the map on his computer and immediately rushed to show his family.

However, when he requested that they try and find it, Splinter said it was too dangerous and forbid them from going.

But, for a group of mischievous, six-year-olds, "no" wasn't an answer.

"Yeah!" Raph added. "If we don't get back by the time Splinter's done scavenging topside, we'll be done for!" With that, he ran to catch up with Donnie, who was studying his map as he led his brothers.

Leo took one final look at Mikey and then turned to follow his other brothers. Mikey whimpered, sad to leave all his treasures behind. He slowly trudged towards his older brothers, dragging his feet as he went.

"Man, this sucks," he mumbled. He was lifting his head to see where they were, when suddenly, a bright shimmer caught his eye. He whipped his head around to look down the tunnel on his left and saw something sitting at the end of the tunnel. It was on the edge of a stream of sewer water.

Michelangelo gasped excitedly and turned to look at his brothers. They all had their backs to him, steadily walking forward in search of the sewer pool. He grinned.

I'll be quick, He thought to himself. They won't even realize I'm gone.

Quickly, Mikey ran towards the shiny item. His face was filled with glee as he leaned down to pick up what looked to be a ring. The sunlight streaming from the sewer grate above reflected off the shiny gem placed in the center.

As Michelangelo reached to pick up the jewelry, his chubby fingers accidentally bumped the ring. It rolled straight into the stream and quickly began to rush away with the current.

Forgetting about his brothers, Mikey gasped and ran after the ring. He followed the stream through a complicated series of tunnels, just barely keeping the ring in his sights. As the tunnel came to an end, the ring hit the wall and rolled to a stop. Rushing forward, the young turtle wasted no time in picking up the object and cupping it in his tiny hands.

"Woahhh," he awed. "Wait til' Leo, Donnie, and Raph see this!" He spun on his heels and quickly turned around to join his brothers once more. However, he suddenly realized something very scary.

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