Kill 'Em With Craziness: Chapter Two

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Haha soooooo funny story....


ANYWAYS! This is the second chap— oh who am I kidding, you guys can read the title. Pretty self-explanatory.

I hope you're happy with this next chappy. (Rhymes are gonna be constant now I'm so sorry)

Moving right along, enjoy the story!!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own TMNT '12 (sadly)

We're dead.

That was the thought playing on replay in the heads of the three eldest turtle brothers. They didn't dare open their eyes, scared to see where they ended up after Donnie had hit the button on the Triceraton teleporter. All they remembered seeing was a bright flash and now they were who-knows-where.

We died. Donnie thought. I teleported us into outer space. We're gonna suffocate! I can't breathe! I can't— wait a second...

Donatello took a deep breath through his nose.

Oh, I can breathe.... he thought to himself, embarrassed.

Having finally regained his senses, Donnie realized that he was clinging on to something...wait, no—he tightened his grip and felt skin— someone.

He slowly cracked his eyes open. Without bothering to see where he was, he spun his head around to see who he was grabbing.

He was surprised to see that he was using one hand to hold on to the arm of his immediate older brother, Raphael, who had his eyes clamped shut. The same went for Leonardo, except he had grabbed Donnie's arm, pulled it over his shoulder, and was hugging it to his chest. They were all huddled together on a cool, stone floor.

"Guys!" Donnie exclaimed. "We're alive!" Leo and Raph's eyes shot open and they wildly searched around for each other. Their eyes met and they let out a sigh of relief. They slowly unraveled themselves from each other's grips and looked to Donnie.

"Where are we?" Leo asked him. Donnie opened his mouth to reply, but before he could get a sound out, a loud squeal interrupted him.

"Ooohoo that was close, Dino-dude! Almost thought you had me for a sec!" Some more giggles were heard and then the sound of running feet.

The three brothers' heads whipped around. They knew that voice.

As they turned, they finally realized that they were sitting in the middle of the Triceraton mothership. They were surrounded by several Triceratons who were currently trying to catch none other than their baby brother, Michelangelo. The dinosaurs were so caught up in their little chase, that they hadn't even noticed their new turtle company.

The three eldest turtles became quickly relieved when they saw that they're brother looked unscathed. However, they quickly realized something was off. Even though Mikey was always happy-go-lucky, even he wouldn't be goofing off this much in a situation like this.

As they stared open-mouthed at the Dino vs Turtle game of tag, the orange clad turtle suddenly took a sharp turn to avoid his enemies. The Triceratons directly behind him (and not expecting Mikey to turn so quickly) tried to skid to a halt. However, they tripped over each other and soon found themselves tangled in a pile of tails and horns.

Mikey let out a loud laugh and turned his head around wildly to see who had seen what he had done. His eyes met his brothers and his smile grew 10 times the size it was now. His brothers, however, were not as ecstatic at the moment. They were horribly worried.

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