Kill 'Em With Craziness

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Yo guys! Welcome to my newest story! This chapter will be the first fanfic in this book! *yay* Anyways, this fic will take place in the episode "Annihilation: Earth!"  SO MAJOR SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT EPISODE!!!!!!!

That being said, it will lead up to a funnier and less depressing ending. Wanna know more? Scroll down to explore! XD I'm sorry for the rhymes.

P.S. The chapter may seem like a bit of déjà vu at first, but I promise it's different from the original episode!!! You'll see! 😉


Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT 2012 in any way, shape, or form. 😔

So, on to the story!
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Soooo...this was a bad idea.

Hamato Michelangelo was in a....predicament of sorts. Or whatever you would call being held against your will at the mercy of a group of humongous dinosaurs.

Don't get me wrong, jumping in to save Leatherhead sounded like a perfect idea—until he was turtlenapped. Now, he was strapped to a giant probe  in the Triceraton mothership surrounded by horn-headed freaks, with no idea if Leatherhead and the rest of his family were safe. In other words—not a great day.

"Wait a sec, dino-dudes. Let's talk about this!" Mikey pleaded, panicking at the thought of having his mind torn apart and searched like bags at the airport. "For reals though..." The dinosaur leader, Mozar, turned around to glare at him.

"Nonsense! The Psionic Extractor is charged and ready to drain you of all of your knowledge of Earth and the Kraang," Mozar declared. Mikey gulped.

A red laser trained itself on Mikey's forehead and he began to whimper and weakly thrash around. The probe drew closer.....and closer....and closer. It was inches away from his head now. Mikey squeezed his eyes shut and prepared for the worst. He was terrified, he was going to die, he was—


Mikey's eyes flew open and his jaw dropped at the sight before him.

All around him, rainbow and tie dye streaks were flying past him. Multiple Ice Cream Kitties dashed past his head and when he look to his side, he saw himself. Or at least, a giant version of his head.

"Wow! Woohoo! This is so cool!" He exclaimed , ignoring his slightly distorted voice. Pizza slices started zooming past his head and electric lasers shot out of his eyes. "It's like a triple rainbow brah. My teeth feel like batteries!"

Meanwhile, outside of Mikey's illusion, the Triceraton soldiers were staring at the young turtle like he had grown three heads. "I'm faster than light!" the boy exclaimed, bouncing around in the chair.

"Turn it off! Turn it off now!" Mozar shouted angrily, clearly not happy with his results. His followers quickly ran to shut off the machine. The laser died down and the cuffs built into the chair unhooked, leaving the turtle to quickly jump out of the chair.

He whirled around to face Mozar. "Dudeeee, why did you stop?!" He questioned, obviously out of it. His pupils were the size of ping-pong balls and his whole body was twitching. "That was better than, like, a hundred million roller coaster rides in outer space!" He got on his knees, moving so fast the captain had to do a double-take.

"Can I do it again?" Mikey begged. He jumped on the dinosaur's leg. "Can I?" He then seemingly teleported behind Mozar, latching on to his tail and rubbing his face against it. "Please?"

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