Part 4

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~Authour's note: Hi hi! So there is a trigger warning for mentions of scars, blood and slight gore. I hope you enjoy this!~
It had been a month and a few days since the attack on UA and your hospitalization. You mostly healed, with only a few scars on your back. The doctors said that the scars would most likely be there for a while, if not for forever. It upset you, but thankfully Keigo was there to lift your spirits up and tell you that they just gave you an excuse to tell outrageous stories about how you got them.
Ever since the attack, Keigo made sure to be right by your side as much as possible. Some might think that you would be sick of him by now, but you admired his gesture.
You broke out into a cold sweat as you twitched in your bed. You had been having nightmares of guilt and fear, for a while, but now that you were out of the safety of the hospital, just laying in your bed, open to any attack, it was worse than ever. The nightmares always had something to do with Shigaraki hurting you or someone you loved and Dabi committing the ultimate betrayal. Tonight was no different. You ran through a house of mirrors, as Shigaraki walked nonchalantly after you. You panted as you ran frantically, hearing Dabi call out, "They're over here!"
Every time you looked into a mirror it's shattering in front of you, piercing your skin. Though it didn't hurt you physically, you still screamed which woke up Keigo who was sleeping next to you.
"L-listener...? Wh-whats going on? It's like 2-" Keigo said groggily rubbing his eyes before noticing you were in distress. "Hey, Hey. Songbird, wake up hun." He shook your shoulder lightly trying to get you to snap out of the nightmare.
You awoke with a gasp. You looked around until you met eyes with Keigo's soft yellow ones. He pulled you into a hug and you melted into him.
"Hey there, Hummingbird. You ok?" He whispered into your ear. "Another nightmare?
You nodded into his chest. He sighed, "I'm so sorry, Listener, you don't deserve any of this..."
"Some would say otherwise..." You mumbled after stifling a yawn.
"What? Why would you say that? Of course, you don't deserve this!" Keigo said furrowing his brow.
"The press is saying that I'm a villain and that I was the UA traitor and all these bad things that should happen to me..." You said trying not to tear up. It was shattering, all the things people were saying about you. The media was truly the root of pure evil. All the false rumours that were circling the atmosphere were raining on you like a downpour. "I'm just worried that Nezu and the staff will start to believe what everyone is saying and-"
Keigo cut you off and put his hands on your cheeks, "Baby, listen to me. The people who care about you won't believe anyone but you. I trust you. And anyway, it was confirmed that you weren't completely in control, the LoV had you brainwashed. You are a good person." He said firmly but with love surrounding his words.
"And what about the LoV? They're still out there..." You questioned Hawks.
"I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, sweetheart." He said hugging you tightly. "Try and get some rest, ok? We both have work tomorrow."
Keigo kissed your lips for a few moments and pulled you down to snuggle with him. You curled up beside him and latched yourself onto him as if he would protect you in your dreams.

~Time Skip~

You sighed as you took one last look into your mirror before heading out the door. This was the first day back at UA since the your "meet up" with Shigaraki. You couldn't get out of your head that Dabi was still out there. You missed him if you were being honest. You hadn't ever been away from him for so long. He was the only family you really had, he genuinely cared for you. It gave you a headache just wondering if Dabi was really who you believed he was. Your mind was splitting, you just wished you could just ask him, but that option was out of the question for many reasons.
You stopped by your favourite coffee shop for a little pick-me-up before heading into the jungle of angst that was UA. The bell at the top of the coffee shop's door jingled as you walked in.
"Listener-san! We haven't seen you here for a while, how are you doing?" The barista said. The two of you were friends and became acquainted when you would get your coffee each morning. You noticed people were staring at you and they probably recognized you from the news.
*Great...* You thought to yourself.
You faked a smile towards the barista, "I'm doing better, nice to see you."
The barista gave you your regular and you waved good-bye to them as you made your way to UA. You were dreading this day for a while now. You hoped no one's thoughts on you changed. You were still Listener, just, with a few more scars and open wounds.
You arrived at UA and before you could even take out your ID to get into UA, a swarm of the press and paparazzi surrounded you. You squinted as flashes of lights from cameras attempted to blind you.
"Listener! Listener over here!" You heard one of the press members yell. "What are your thoughts on Shigaraki's escape?" They asked.
You just froze after you heard the last two words. "Shigaraki's escape..?" You said subconsciously. You were not informed about anyone's escape? Your worst nightmare yet was happening, and you weren't asleep or in the comfort of your bed with Keigo beside you to hold you through it all.
"I-..." You stuttered, not knowing what to do.
"Are you still in contact with the League of Villains?" "Did you know that the League was going to attack?" "Where are Shigaraki and Dabi now?" "How are still allowed into UA?"
All the questions were too much and you were starting to lose control of your quirk. Not only could you hear what everyone was saying, but what they were thinking too and it felt like your mind was going to explode like Bakugou's quirk. Thankfully, before you lost your shit, Eraserhead, Present Mic and All Might came to the rescue.
Aizawa placed his hand gently on your shoulder, "Let's get out you of here, ok? I'll walk to you to the teacher lounge." He said calmly. "Hizashi and Toshinori will take care of this."
You nodded and walked into UA. "Thanks, Shota. I- I don't know what I would've done if you guys didn't come to my rescue."
He smiled at you, which was rare for him. "Anytime, Listener."
As the two you of you walked down the familiar halls belonging to the school for aspiring heroes, you took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down and work up the courage to ask Aizawa what he knew about Shigaraki and his apparent escape. You tried to use your quirk, to avoid awkwardness, but you were too strained from the press attack. You sighed again and asked, "So, Shigaraki escaped?"
The homeroom teacher stopped walking and looked at you with regret in his eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry we kept it from you Listener, we were trying to keep you safe. I hope you can understand our intentions."
"I wish someone would've told me, instead of me hearing from people I don't even know, but I understand."
Before either of you could say anything else you were attacked with a hug from Mina and Izuku.
"Listener-Sensei! We missed you!" The two said in unison.
You chuckled and ruffled Izuku's hair. "I missed you guys too, glad to be back."

~Time Skip~

The day finally ended. It went by pretty quick for you. You only had two sessions today, they wanted to ease you back into the swing of things, and after the morning's fiasco, you probably would've blacked out after a third session. You waved goodbye to Hizashi as you walked out of the UA doors.
Taking in the nice breeze, it was cold but not cold enough for a winter jacket, it was ... sweater weather. You fantasized about cuddling with Keigo, watching a movie, sipping warm hot chocolate with mini marshmallows in it. You couldn't wait to get home. While you were imagining what you would do once you arrived at your apartment, you took a wrong turn.
"Shit... uh, this way?" You said to yourself trying to find your way back to the main road. "Where even-?" You asked yourself before stopping dead in your tracks. Was that... No, it couldn't be. "D-dabi...?" you whispered as you met eyes with the purple-scarred male. The two of you stared at each other for a good long minute before he gave you a soft smile and disappeared into the shadows. You were frozen. You didn't know what to do. Was that really Dabi, or just your worn-out mind playing tricks on you?

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