Part 5 (finale)

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~Author's note: AHHHH *sob*, I can't believe this is the last part ;-; I had so much fun writing this and I hope those of you who have read the whole series have enjoyed it as much I have writing it! I wrote this for the Queen of Hawks Simp, Ichigo ASMR. She is a really good friend, and yall should check her out! Thank you so much! And I hope yall like it~~
~Time skip to 3 years later: You and Hawks had been dating for around 3 years and the event that everyone had been waiting for was finally arriving~
Today would be the greatest and most important day of Keigo's life. Never in a million years did he think that this day would come, and of all people, it was you. Through all the shit he had been through, with and without you, this was the reward.
Hawks stared at himself in the mirror, adjusting his bow tie in the mirror. He scoffed and smiled brightly.
"A wedding? With listener too? God, I'm so in love..." Keigo sighed to himself.
In another room, you were doing the finishing touches on your wedding outfit. Today was the day. You could feel butterflies swarming in your stomach. You could barely eat that day you were so nervous. What if you tripped walking down the aisle? You'd be so embarrassed. You were starting to stress over all the things that could go wrong when you decided you needed to see Keigo.
Without thinking you ran out of your room and swung the door of Keigo's room open and screamed. Keigo jumped at the sudden loud noise and screamed as well. He whipped around to see who had broken into his room loudly. Hawks immediately covered his eyes when he saw it was you.
"Songbird! Gah! What are you doing?! We're not supposed to see each other before the reception! Its bad luck!"
"I'm sorry, I- I'm so nervous. I just don't know what to do with myself and it's all going so fast and what if everything goes wrong and-" You rambled before Hawks hovered over to you. Still having his left hand over his eyes, he held out his right hand and you laid your cheek on it.
"You'll be alright, my love. Everything will be perfect, just like you." He assured you with a sweet smile.
You placed your hand on his and just stood there for a few minutes before softly removing your hand.
"See you soon." You said as you walked out of Keigo's room.
"I'll miss you until then!" Hawks called out.
You smiled to yourself feeling blood rush to your cheeks.
~Time skip~
The sun was setting and the time had come. The wedding venue was placed on Kamakura Yuigahama Beach. You got a whiff of the wave's salty scent and listened as the waves crashed up against the sand.
You looked down at your hands, they were shaking. You didn't understand why you were so nervous. You were snapped out of your focus as you felt someone hug you from behind. You looked down to see two pink arms around you.
"Hey, Mina." You chuckled, hugging her back. "You look so nice."
"You're the one to talk! I'm living for your outfit!" She squealed.
"I still can't believe Keigo convinced me to have feathers and flowers." You sighed with a side smile.
You had asked Mina to be your flower girl, as you were close with her. Of course, she said yes. Mina's cue for walking down the aisle as the flower- er feather girl. She waved and you followed her with your eyes as she threw a mixture of red faux feathers and white lilies with pink fading into the middle. You watched the feathers and petals float effortlessly to the sandy ground. Mina arrived at the end of the walkway and looked back at you before she sat down at her seat with the rest of the 1-A students.
You followed Mina, with Aizawa by your side. Since you didn't have a father, Aizawa was the next best thing. While at UA, he always made to check up on your and make sure you were always comfortable. You looked at him, anxiety coating your eyes and he gave you a reassuring smile.
"You look amazing." He whispered to you.
"Thank you. I appreciate you coming." You whispered back.
"I wouldn't have missed this for the world." He said before handing you over to Keigo who was standing under the wedding canopy, waiting for your arrival. He was chatting with Tokoyami, who was trying to calm Keigo down. Being his mentee, Keigo decided that is would only be fitting to have Tokoyami as one of his groomsmen.
Tears started to form in Keigo's eyes, followed by Tokoyami and Dark Shadow starting to cry. Seeing Keigo cry, Aizawa started to shed tears. You laughed quietly and put your hand on Keigo's cheeks to wipe away the tears. He smiled and leaned his head into your hand.
"You look absolutely breathtaking, my hummingbird." He whispered.
"I could say the same thing about you." You said as the two of you intertwined your fingers together.
The minister started the ceremony and finally came to the vows.
You stared into Hawks's eyes. "Keigo, never in a million years would I think that I would end up with such an amazing and kind guy like you. You are caring and I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect. I love you, and I will forever love you."
"Listener, the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I was meant to be yours. Not a day has passed since I have met you that my brain isn't filled with thoughts of your smile and laugh. You are beautiful, smart and compassionate. No one in the world could've ever stolen my heart as you did."
"Do you, Keigo Takami, take listener to be you lawfully wedded partner?"
"I do." Keigo replied, squeezing your hand lightly.
"And do you, listener, take Keigo Takami to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." You said with no hesitation.
Dark shadow handed the pillow that held the two rings. Keigo took one and gently slid the ring onto your ring finger. You did the same with Keigo's ring.
"I now pronounce you partners in marriage, you may now kiss the- uh- uhm- hummingbird?" The minister stuttered.
You giggled and pulled Keigo by his jacket collar into a passionate kiss.
You could hear applause and cheering and you smiled. Today was the start of your new life, and you would be spending every moment with the man you loved with all of your heart.
~Time Skip~
The reception had started and a flood of talking and laughing filled the atmosphere. You were talking with Ayoma and Mina who were fawning over everything when the cake was brought out. Vanilla and chocolate marbled cake with white buttercream frosting embroidered with candy pearls.
You took the knife and Keigo placed his hand over you, softly guiding your hand. No matter how long you've been with Keigo, he always manages to make you blush. You cut two slices and placed them on your plate.
You were about to grab a fork and take a bite of the cake you've been dying to have, but then you pause. You look at Keigo, then at the cake, back to Keigo and then stared at the slice of cake that was in front of you. As if it was in slow motion, you grabbed the piece of cake and shoved it in your lover's face. Standing up, staring at you dumbfounded Keigo, cleared his eyes of the buttercream frosting.
You slapped our hand over your mouth, trying to stifle your uncontrollable giggles.
"Oh, I see. That's how this is gonna go down." Keigo said slyly. "Allow me." He grabbed the other piece of cake smooshed it all over your face. You gasp in surprise and start to run after him, cake in your hand. "Get back here, Bird Brain!" You yelled.
While running, Hawks tripped over a shell that was sticking out of the sand and went tumbling, you going down with him. You blink, your faces only centimetres apart. Keigo put his arms around you and pulled you into a kiss. You melted into him.
"I love you." Keigo declared.
You smiled and got up. While you turned around to help Hawks up, you caught a glimpse of black hair and purple. The thought of Dabi crossed your mind and you suddenly started to long for him to there with you.
~Time Skip and Author's note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the wedding :3 So I'll be adding a peak into your life with Keigo, just some small little blurbs for some wholesomeness! ~
"Hey, Keigo! What do you want for dinner?" You yelled from the kitchen over to Keigo who was watching TV in the other room.
"Uh- what do we have? Give me some options here!" He yelled back.
"We have Ramen, I could make a stir-fry... or I could order some fried chicken-"
"FRIED CHICKEN. I don't know why you even ask!"
You laughed, "Alright, alright."
You order the fried chicken along with some drinks and then walked over to Keigo. You plopped down next to him and he turned off the TV.
"How was your day, songbird?" Keigo asked pulling you close to him.
You snuggled into him, "It was good, nothing too out of the ordinary. You?"
"Eh, just some patrolling, boring stuff." He replied.
"Well, since we both had uneventful days, let's do something!" You said jumping off the couch and pulling Keigo off his feet. You smiled and walked over to get your phone. You turned on a lofi playlist and took Keigo into the middle of the room. You started to sway with him, and he followed. As you two moved back and forth, Keigo pulled you closer and you rested your head on his chest. You let out a contempt sigh. You never wanted this to end.
~Time Skip~
You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard your phone buzz with the ringtone you had set for Keigo. You picked up your phone and looked at the texts:
"Hey Baby! I hope you had a lovely day! <3 Would you mind getting a big bowl of water for me? I'd really appreciate it. See you soon!"
You had no idea what the bowl of water was for, but you decided it wasn't worth asking. You got dressed and filled the biggest bowl you had with water and placed it on the table. You went to sit on the couch and wait for Keigo get home.
It wasn't until long before you heard a click of a lock and you turned your head to see Keigo with his hands full of something yellow and fuzzy looking. He rushed in and got a towel from the linens closet, put it on the table and gently set down the yellow fuzzy objects.
You walked over to see what Keigo had done this time.
"Keigo, hun, what are those?"
"Uh- well you see..." He stammered rubbing the back of his neck. "I found these chicks and they were abandoned and I couldn't just leave them all alone so I took them home... can we PLEASE keep them? I'll feed them and take care of them!" He begged you.
You laughed but were unsure about the situation. "You sure, Keigo? They'll be a lot to handle..."
"Well, they'd be good practice since, you know ... I don't plan on stay childless forever..." He replied.
You smiled softly at the thought of that. Raising kids with Keigo, what a sight.
~Time Skip~
A year later, Keigo had gotten his wish. The two of you had agreed to adopted two kids, Wren and Kiji. Wren was 5 and Kiji, 2. They were a handful, but you and Keigo did your best.
It was around 3 am when you heard a faint cry. You sat up on the bed and looked next to you. Keigo was fast asleep, his wrapped around his body and his hand latching onto yours. You smiled, he was so cute. You were about to get up and see who was crying when Keigo took your hand and pulled you back down.
"Lay back down, baby, I'll go check on Kiji." He said groggily.
You sighed, "Fine. Just be careful, I forgot to pick up the toys from the ground yesterday."
You watched as Keigo got up and wrapped himself in a blanket. He slowly walked out of your room and into the kid's room.
You heard a crinkle, then a quiet "Shhh- shoot!" You snickered, it was obvious Keigo was trying very hard not to curse.
After a few minutes, Hawks came back and crawled into bed with you again. "They're both sound asleep." He said as he pulled you into his arms.
"Thank you." You whispered and kissed him.
You relaxed into Keigo and fell asleep in his arms, you wanted this to never end.
~Time Skip~
It was a long day of work and the final bell rang. You high-tailed it out of UA and drove as fast as you could, without breaking the law, to get Kiji and Wren.
You were exhausted and just needed to rest. You sat Kiji and Wren down at the table, gave them snacks and then passed out on the couch.
Right before you were about to fall asleep, you felt tugging on your arm. You open your eyes hesitantly to see Wren inches away from your face. Kiji was next to her, his big eyes fixed on you. You sighed and sat up, picking the two up to sit next to you. You put on the TV in hopes they would watch it and ignore you. Thankfully, you plan worked and you started to close your eyes again. Soon enough, you fell asleep, Wren and Kiji following you.
At around 9 pm, Keigo walked in through the door to see you and the kids fast asleep on the couch. He smiled softly and the sight and put his things down. He ran to get a blanket and place it over you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead.
You opened your eyes slowly, "Hey Keigo, how was your day?" You said barely awake.
"It was ok, Enji and I had a press meeting." He said as he climbed on the couch with you.
"Oh, that must've been interesting. I hope you didn't fanboy too much." You said.
"Don't worry, he might be cool, but you still have prettier eyes."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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