Part 4

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Chapter Four

Draco called for the chauffer to bring the car around to pick them up and that they were heading to St Mungo's instead of home back to where the Wicked Witch of the West was waiting for them (Narcissa Black Malfoy).

Hermione had woken up whilst she was being transported to St Mungo's. she turned her head to see that Lord Malfoy was travelling with her. Hermione raised her hand and reached out to Lord Malfoy.

Lucius looked to see Hermione reaching out for him.

"Hello Hermione, stay with us girl as my son wants you to dance on his next tour." Lucius informed the girl.

"Lor... Lord Ma... foy please tell... Ha...rry than...ks." Hermione struggled to tell him.

"Rest my dear girl, you are in good hands at the moment." Lucius said to her and kept a tight hold on her hand.

The ambulance pulled into St Mungo's accident and emergency department and they wheeled Hermione straight into rhesus room so that the consultants could check her over.

"Hermione Granger, female aged 17, gunshot wound to her shoulder whilst dancing on stage. Been given morphine for the pain." The paramedics told the A&E team.

One of the nurses showed Lucius out of the room and headed to the reception area where he needed to register Hermione into the department.

"Name?" The receptionist popped her bubble gum.

"Hermione Jean Granger." Lucius looked at the woman in disgust.

"Age?" She popped her gum again.


"Next of kin?"

Lucius didn't answer the girl as he was getting fed up with the woman's attitude.

"Lara and Jensen Granger, her parents." Lucius was getting angry.

"Are her parents here?" The gum popped again.

"No, but I want to ask you a few questions. What's your name?"

Lucius got out his little notepad and pen and started to write what the woman was telling him.

"Right, now then this is what you are going to do. You are going to stop popping that gum in your mouth and disposing of the said gum as well. Your uniform isn't the proper uniform of this hospital and the amount of make-up that you currently have on your face is not of the code. Now I am going to make your life hell for you. You have literally five minutes to clean yourself up or you shall consider yourself looking for further employment." Lucius threatened the woman.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" The woman retorted.

"Lord Lucius Malfoy, CEO of St Mungo's Hospital in London and CEO of the Malfoy Industries. I am the one that pays your wages my dear. So, get going. Your friend here can finish off what we started." Lucius told her.

The A&E Head Nurse had heard all what was going off and decided to go and investigate what was going on.

"Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but hear that you were threatening one of our staff. Sir I'm afraid that I must call security. Jason if you would do the honours of calling them please to escort this gentleman from the premises." The Head Nurse asked of the other receptionist.

"Lord Malfoy was just checking in the patient that has just come in." Jason replied to the nurse.

"I don't care if Sir Alan Sugar was here in person getting treated for athletes' foot, call security."

"Sorry but I can't do that Miss Sinestra as I don't want to get the sack from the CEO of St Mungo's which is standing in front of you. Head Nurse Aurora Sinestra this is Lord Lucius Malfoy. The man who own's St Mungo's." Jason introduced the Head Nurse to the owner.

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