Part 8

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Hermione woke up the next day in a hotel so that she could decide what she wanted to do. Hermione had decided that she wanted to get away from everything, so she decided to up sticks and head up North away from everything that was in London for a while.

So here she was on a train bound from St Pancreas station heading to Sheffield.

"We are now reaching our final destination which is Sheffield Midland Station. Please make sure that you take all of your belongings with you and keep them with you at all times. We hope that you had a pleasant journey with us today. Thank you for travelling with Midland Train Service. Our final stop is Sheffield."

Hermione walked through the station to see that someone was holding up her name printed on a piece of card.

"Yeah, I'm Hermione." She walked up to the girl.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Joelene, Charlie asked me to pick you up as she couldn't get out of work. So, I'm to take you to her home. If you would follow me, I will take you there now." Joelene introduced herself.

"Thank you Joelene." Hermione followed Joelene to her parked car.

"This is it, it's nothing much but its cosy. Matthias should be home soon, that's Charlie's husband. He works in a Student bar and has just gotten through Fresher's Week. So, he will just walk in and feed the cat and head to bed for a few hours, so you will meet him properly tonight once he's woken up a little. These are the spare keys to the house; Charlie says make yourself at home. Oh, and the cat is called Phoebe and she's not allowed outside at all as they don't want to lose her at all as she is their precious baby." Joelene explained.

"Thanks again Joelene."

Joelene left Hermione in Charlie's home. Phoebe came up to Hermione and wrapped herself around her legs.

"So, you must be Phoebe then huh." Hermione picked the small black female cat.

"You are so cute." Phoebe sniffed at Hermione's nose then licked her black nose.

"So that's your kiss then. Go on then, let's find you something to eat." Hermione headed into the kitchen where Phoebe followed her and jumped up onto the counter where she knew that Charlie and Matthias kept her food and treats.

Hermione looked around and saw the cat sat under a cupboard. She opened it to reveal a cupboard just for Phoebe.

"Wow you are their baby. A whole cupboard full of treats." Hermione read the note that was pinned on the inside.

'Remember not to leave the cat treats out, or Phibster will eat them all like a greedy little mite.'

"Right, let's just get you some food, fresh water and biccies then."

Phoebe meowed at Hermione loudly pining for her food.

"My you are impatient."

Hermione heard the front door go. Someone put their keys on the side and then walked in to see that Phoebe was happily eating her dinner.

"Oh, you're Charlie's friend Hermione from London. It's nice to meet you. I'm Matthias her husband, did you have a nice trip up? Of course, you did. Well would you like a brew?" Matthias asked of Hermione.

"Sorry a what?" Hermione was puzzled.

"He meant a cuppa love." Charlie walked in dumping her bag in the hallway.

"Oh yes please. One sugar no milk. Charlie it's good to see you again. You don't mind that I am here crashing on your life?" Hermione asked.

"Nah, it's cool. I've managed to get the rest of my shifts covered for this week so it's me and you my girl. Plus, I'm off for the next two weeks as it's that time of year again. It's PANTO TIME!"

"Oh, I forgot that you were in Panto again. You not auditioned for any parts again this year?" Hermione asked accepting the cuppa that Matthias had just given her.

"Nope never do my friend. I'm just happy dancing away with the chorus and helping the principles out with their dance routines." Charlie sat in her office chair starting her laptop up.

A picture of Draco came up on her desktop screen. Hermione started crying looking at the picture.

"Mione sweetie why are you crying?" Charlie asked concerned for her best friend from school.

"Oh, it's nothing Charlie. You heard what happened a few months ago to me?" Hermione asked.

"Nope anything that happens in London, doesn't get said up here in South Yorkshire my friend. So, what happened then?"

Hermione explained what had happened that night a few months ago.

"Aww Hermione, why didn't you call me? I would have found a way to come back to see you." Charlie told her.

"I was in hospital for a couple of weeks then I was taken to Malfoy Manor to recover and go through physiotherapy every day so that I could get back to dancing. I never saw a phone at all." Hermione sipped at her tea.


"Yeah, I'm best friends with his fiancée Harry." Hermione quietly answered.

"So why did you come up to good ole Sheffield for?"

"Lord Malfoy took me to a West End show that had opened last night, we then went to an after-show party at the Rose Bowl. I danced and chatted all night, then Lord Malfoy offered me a dance after which he kissed me."


"No, it was the other way around. He kissed me. I ran from him and here I am." Hermione finished her cuppa.

"So, I expect that your mum and dad will call me up sometime today asking if you are here then. Well, I'm not going to say anything to them."

Charlie hugged Hermione.

"Thank you, Charlie, you are a lifesaver. So, when are you rehearsing for the panto then?"

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