Part 24

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Draco and Harry were outside waiting for news on Hermione. They saw her walk out of the ER.

"You ok Mia?" Harry asked of his best friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine; I'm just recovering from a slight flu type bug. It's nothing serious so let's just head back home." Hermione told them both.

The drive back to the Manor in Wiltshire was very quiet. Hermione sat in the back as Harry sat in the front listening to the backing tracks of the songs they were doing on the tour.

Draco pulled up outside of the main door to the manor. Dobby came out to take the keys from Master Draco and take the car to the garage.

"Draco, I have told you that I don't want to talk about it now leave me alone." Hermione shouted at the top of her voice.

"But Hermione you have been sick for the last few days something must be serious to have happened to you." Harry mentioned.

"JUST SHUT UP THE PAIR OF YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Hermione shouted out so loud that it pulled Lucius, Severus and Lily to come out from Lucius's study.

Hermione ran up the stairs to her room that she had been given when she first arrived here. She slammed the door and locked it. She looked around the bare room to see that she had nothing in here that had belonged to her as she had moved it all into the Master bedroom.

"I have had enough of all of this." Hermione headed to the balcony so that she could grab some fresh air and to calm down.

Hermione stayed locked in her room all day and didn't come out for any of her scheduled rehearsals. In fact, the only person she saw was her friend from the Prince Academy who had made it into the UK tour dancers, Justine.

"Justine, I need you to learn every single dance that I do and learn my parts. I am leaving on medical grounds at the end of the London tour dates." Hermione explained to her friend.

"But Hermione, what medical grounds? You're scaring me. Are you dying?" Justine had a few tears in her eyes.

"No Justine I'm not dying. It's just that I cannot dance after I am three months pregnant. So, you will have to take my place."

Justine looked up into Hermione's eyes.

"Oh, congratulations Hermione, but I didn't think that you were seeing anyone." Justine mentioned a little confused.

"I am seeing someone it's just that we haven't made our relationship public yet. But we will when the tour is complete. Now then we will need to make extra rehearsal time as we haven't got long for you to learn my solos and duet parts that I have with Harry."

Hermione and Justine practiced behind closed doors for that whole week.

"Hermione dear I would like to take you out to dinner if that is ok with you? You look really stressed out." Lucius mentioned to her one night after coming back from her secret rehearsals that she was having with Justine.

"Yeah, ok then let me shower and change then we can go out. Give me thirty minutes." Hermione headed to the en suite bathroom attached to the Master bedroom.

Hermione came out with a towel wrapped around her and she headed to the large walk-in wardrobe where she picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and roll neck jumper and some black ankle high heeled boots.

"You look stunning as normal Mia come let us go to dinner." Lucius held his arm to his wife and they both headed down the stairs to the awaiting car.

"Gerard take us the Garson. We have reservations there." Lucius told the chauffer.

"Yes, my Lord." Gerard shut the door and then got into the driver's seat and then headed off to the Garson Restaurant.

The night went on smoothly they danced on the dance floor. Hermione had to tell Lucius the good news that he was going to be a daddy. But she just couldn't find it in herself to tell him as they were enjoying themselves.

They were leaving the restaurant when a car started driving down the street. Someone had leaned out of the driver's window.


Hermione dived to the floor as she heard the gunshot. Gerard headed over to her to see if she was injured.

"Are you ok Miss?" Gerard asked of Hermione.

"Yes I am. Lucius?" Hermione looked around to see that Lucius was on the ground and wasn't moving.

"Lucius?" Hermione crawled over to her husband.

"Lucius stop playing with me." Hermione joked and pushed him over on his back.

That was when she saw the blood pooling out of his body.

"Lucius not please don't die on me! Gerard, please help me!" Hermione pleaded with the chauffer.

Gerard got out his cell phone and dialled for an ambulance.

"Lucius please stay with me. Please don't leave me alone. I need you." Hermione shook him.

Lucius's eyes opened a little.

"Her herm...ione." Lucius managed to get out. Blood was starting to trickle out of the corner of his mouth.

"Lucius please don't leave me. Stay with me. You are going to be fine." Hermione's eyes started to tear up.

"I love... yo... love you Mia." Lucius was struggling to stay awake.

"Lucius I was trying to tell you something, but I couldn't just find the time to tell you. You are going to be a daddy again." Hermione managed to tell her husband with tears streaming down her reddened cheeks.

"'re Mia...oh...Mia..."

"The ambulance is on its way Miss. My Lord please hang in there. I have contacted the family they will meet us at St Mungo's." Gerard mentioned to them.

Hermione held onto Lucius's hand.

" sa...fe my lov..." Lucius's head lolled to one side and his eyes closed.

"Lucius? Lucius? Please don't! Please stay with me! No NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Hermione howled and started to cry her heart out.

Hermione Malfoy had lost her husband of only a few days.

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