|family time|

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Luna had gotten a call one day, no caller ID but having a good day she answers rather than sending it to voicemail

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Luna had gotten a call one day, no caller ID but having a good day she answers rather than sending it to voicemail. It was her dad, he had gotten her letter and wanted to meet with her all she had to do was pick a date, time and place. So, when Gert was moving to the east coast, Luna traveled with her and stayed a week. Out of those seven days Luna only went to visit her dad one of those days, and it wasn't as awkward as Luna had been dreading.

Ray didn't have letters that Zari had secretly sent him about how Luna was doing, nor any photos of Luna's childhood. Ray did have a family, a four year old daughter with his wife of seven years and he seemed happy. That news scared Luna, especially when Ray told her that only until recently did his wife know about her.

After months of talking to Ray through facetime, email and the occasional postcard it was time to meet Ray's wife. Luna was packing up a luggage and her backpack the day before her flight. Chase was in the bedroom watching Luna nervously pack while rambling, "What does one even wear in Massachusetts? I-I asked Gert what the weather was like and I've been checked but ...ugh! I-"

Chase sneezes in the inner part of his elbow having gotten sick after midterms passed. It was another reason why Luna felt guilt for leaving, but Chase kept reassuring her that he would be okay. It's what he does just then when he sees the look she was giving him as he reached for a tissue, "Luna you are going to do great. Your dad already seems to love you and if his wife doesn't then she doesn't matter. You already have a family, if they don't want to be a part of it then fuck what they think."

"Okay," Luna whispers with a light smile before dropping a sweater in her luggage and walking over to him, "You have the immuni-tea recipe right?"

Chase nods his head having the recipe in his notes, "Yes. I also know about the horse tail and hibiscus tea"

In learning about holistic medication Luna learned about how horse tail helps in repair bone tissues, help treat deep-seated lung damaged, can replace Biotin, and is recommended for anemia. As for hibiscus its rich in heart-protective antioxidants and helps balance blood pressure. Also about a tonic to help keep an immune system humming; 1 teaspoon codonopsis root, 1 teaspoon astragalus root, 1 teaspoon ginger and for flavor a stick of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg could be added.


Luna loved to travel, she just didn't like the take off and landing of a plane it makes her feel like she had been riding The Tower of Terror. That same gut wrenching feeling she felt during the car ride to the restaurant she was meeting her dad and her step mom. Yet when Luna had arrived she was only met with the step mother

"Can we get a bottle of red for the table?" Robin asks the waiter and before he can tell her the list of red wines the restaurant had Luna speaks up

"Actually, I'll have the orange ginger iced tea, please"

The waiter nods and writes it down on his note pad before listing the different types of red wines to Robin. When the waiter leaves, they left Robin and Luna alone at the table once more waiting for Ray to return.

"Ray told me you weren't religious," Robin states giving Luna a look she'd become familiar with whenever people find out her heritage

Luna starts to play with the outline on her watch but maintains eye contact, "Um I'm not, I respect it but it's not my thing"

"Thing? Huh, So, why don't you drink?" Robin asks Luna making the blue eyed brunette to get offended by the tone in the older women's voice

Luna crosses her arms placing her elbows on the wooden table, "Why do you drink?"

Robin purses her lips ready to reply but doesn't get the chance to answer as Ray joins them, "Hey, sorry I'm late. The study session went later than I had hoped for but the students all had good questions, so I hope they all pass"

Ray sits next to his wife with a smile on his face and looks over at the two, "Did you guys already order?"

"Yes, we were just talking about wines actually," Robin replies making Luna purse her lips and stay quiet

"Oh, honey Luna doesn't drink," Ray looks over at his wife recognizing the look on his daughters face. It wasn't a familiar expression because he'd seen Zari wear it but because he'd use it.

"Doesn't mean I don't know much about wines. Like how they are supposed to breath but the older the wine the better it's supposed to be. My friends and fiancé do drink so my extent of what alcohol is good ties to their taste"

At the word fiancé Robin couldn't help but say, "Ray didn't tell me you were engaged"

"It's not something I announce to every person I meet plus I think-" Luna stops herself when she looks at her left hand not seeing her engagement ring "Stars.. stars... I have to make a phone call"

Luna turns to grab her purse from her chair and takes out her phone standing up giving the adults a nervous smile then walks towards the restroom hallway for privacy.

"Moonie you're calling..." Chase sounded skeptical in answering the call knowing she only called when it was important

"Yeah, um so I just realized I'm not wearing my ring. Soo...umm please tell me I forgot it at home. I haven't checked the hotel or my luggage so hopefully I'm just getting ahead of myself"

Chase couldn't help but laugh used to her losing her ring, "You had it on last night during our call remember?"

At the question Luna tries to picture what she looked like last night during their face time call and realized he was right. She then quickly remembered where she took it off and placed it for safe keeping, "Stars your right, I should have just texted you"

"Is the restaurant really that bad?"

"No, no" Luna whispers secretly looking back at her table trying not to be caught "The restaurant is cool it's just well... having a step mom is not going as well as I hoped"

"Have you met your sister?" Chase asks making Luna sigh

"No, they hired a babysitter and I think Robin isn't ready for me to meet her. Which I'm hurt by but she's her mom so I respect the decision," Luna rationalizes more towards herself rather than just informing Chase "I should go, they-they probably waiting for me"

"Goodluck Moonie, I love you" Chase answers making Luna smile as her nerves start to settle

"I love you," Luna replies before ending the call and walking back to the table trying to get through the dinner with good results like Robin liking or at least being able to tolerate her

a/n: im thinking about writing another Chase Stein fic, would y'all be up for it?

so far what I have is OC's name: Tiera
& Powers: plants (green ivy reference)
with no idea how she'd end up in the runaways life

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