31. Riley

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(Pic of  Sexy Archie!----->)

        I didn't give chase as Archie followed after Keelan as he took off. I shake my head at the backs of his so-called friends, not really too surprised about their negative reaction. "Is this how most people react to shifters when they find out?" Dillan was still watching the exit where the whole team disappeared in. "Yeah, but I guess it was more the shock of having someone they have known for a long time shift in front of them." Dillan shrugged "I guess my job here is done." I nodded my head and he walked away, towards his car. [Babe? Have you found him?] I asked after a while of not hearing from Archie. [Yeah, I did. He is not in a good place right now though. I will try my best to cheer him up.] I let out a deep sigh, [Do tell him that he can always come to our house whenever he feels he like it.]

        Archie came home late that night; he managed to talk Keelan into coming home with him. I had already made the guest bedroom ready for his arrival. He did look worse for wear; his shirt was thorn in places and his sweatpants covered in mud. I said nothing as I opened the door and ushered the both of them in, wanting to keep the heat in and the cold out. Keelan sagged down on the couch, his face in his hands as his shoulders shook. I looked a little helplessly at Archie, [I am not very good in these kind of things] "Do you want anything to drink Keelan?" Archie elbowed me, telling me I was failing in whatever task he silently gave me. [What? I told you I wasn't good with this kind of thing.] Keelan looked up, red rimmed eyes. "Some water would be good." Nodding I rushed off to the kitchen, happy to have something to do. Not much later I returned with a tall glass of water. "Thanks." Keelan greedily gulped down the cool liquid. "How do you feel now Keelan? Do you want more water? Something to eat?" Archie bend down, rubbing his back lightly. Keelan licked his lips, "A bite to eat would be great." Without a word I turn around and rummage in the fridge for something that was easy to make.

        Keelan's mother came by the next day, when Keelan was still asleep; we had called her when Keelan was finally asleep. Told her about what had happened at the football pitch. She was worried, she knew how violent or angry Keelan could get when he was upset over something his friends did or said. On the other hand she was glad we took care of him after the whole ordeal. "Do you think he will come around again?" I looked up from a report I was reading, Archie looked a little worried. I got up, walked around the desk and took Archie into my arms. "I am sure he will be fine, it just takes time to adjust to this. I mean even you had to adjust to life here for a few days. Imagine how long he might need to adjust to this life from not knowing anything about it. You knew something about Pack life, he’d known basically nothing." Archie snuggled deeper into my embrace "I know that but I still feel a little sad for him, I also feel a little responsible." I squeezed him a little more, "Let's go to bed love, there is nothing more we can do for him today."

        I was surprised to see Keelan at the breakfast table the next morning. "Have you slept well last night?" He still looked terrible; he had light bags under his eyes, indicating that he hadn't slept at all last night. "It was alright, I guess." His voice was gruff, telling me he cried last night. "What would you like to eat? I have; bacon, eggs, backed beans, sausages. You name it, most of it is there." The pan sizzles as I turn over the bacon, sausages and eggs; I take a wooden spoon and stir the beans. "I would like some eggs, bacon, beans and two sausages." I nod my head, grabbing a plate and pile up the stuff on the plate. "Thanks." He mumbles tiredly as he digs in with a healthy appetite. Well, at least he has a good healthy appetite. I think to myself as I watch him eat his fill. Once the plate is empty I slowly reach out for it, planning on giving him seconds. "You want seconds?" I hold his plate near the pan with bacon and eggs. His stomach rumbled, giving me an indirect answer, as he blushed. "Seconds it is." Keelan was just finishing his second helping as Archie sauntered into the kitchen.

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