16. Riley

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        "I love you Archon," I told him I loved him using his real name and he didn't react at all. His dismissal of my love and affection left an awful taste in my mouth, making me feel insecure about how he felt about me honestly.

        I shoved the awful feeling aside as I chalked it up to him being lost in the sexual pleasure. Still...I felt uncomfortable and a little lost. And to my utter embarrassment, it showed in my work and the way I acted. It was so bad that Dean noticed, and when he notices things it must be really bad.

        "What's wrong Riley? I have never seen you depressed. Not even when your family kicked you for your carrier choice." I sigh deeply as Dean's concerned face filled my vision.

        "I told Archon I loved him and he didn't react to it at all," I mumbled as I rubbed my face tiredly. I have been awake at night for hours, mulling it over and over. Making me have sleepless nights, slowly driving myself insane with the times I mull it over.

        "You know Riley," He said as he patted my shoulder, "I think he knows how much you love him. It's evident whenever I see you guys just walking around together. Your eyes shine and you smile more. So don't worry too much about it okay? Or you could just tell him the next time you see him and watch his reaction." Dean had the gall to smile at me.

        "I know how hard it is for you to show affection towards someone. Just hang in there okay? Everything will be fine."

        I never believed that everything will be fine. In fact, I knew something would go wrong, and I was right. When I got home after talking to Dean, I barely stepped over the threshold before Archie launched himself into my arms.

        "Riles! It's terrible!" He wailed. I blinked several times, noticing nothing out of the ordinary.

        "What's wrong Archie? What happened?" He sniffled before hiding under my chin. Walking back to where he came from I saw what he meant. The whole living room was a mess and in front of the fireplace was a huge pile of blankets.

        His distressed whimper had me rubbing his back soothingly. Or at least I hoped it was. I was never one for soothing another. And yet with Archie, the feeling felt natural, easy.

       Chuckling at the mess near the fireplace I try and put Archie back on the blankets. He would let go so, in the end, I toppled over with him lying underneath me.

        "I am not angry with you Archon." I kissed his cheek. I still marvelled at the easiness of the gesture as I look down on Archie.

        "Why do you call me that?" I looked at him puzzled "What do you mean?" Archie rolled his eyes "Archon. Nobody besides my dad calls me that. I don't like it when you call me that."

        He said something after that but I didn't hear it. Hearing him say those words was like a steel fist to the gut.

        I knew it! My mind screamed at me.

        He doesn't want us! 

        My panther wailed in pain. Trying my hardest to not fall apart right then and there, I slowly disentangled myself from his embrace.

        "Riles? Riles?! Where are you going?" I looked into Archie's confused gaze as he stared up at me. My mind was racing with an explanation that would explain anything.

        "I–I need to go." I stammered as I stumbled to the door. I needed to get out of there before I did something drastic. Something I would regret later. The scent of our mating was messing with my brain, clouding my thoughts.

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