What Can I Say She's Just Unique...

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The room was enveloped by darkness,
she sat there waiting for the light of hope.

Her eyes had been puffy as she had been crying,
Her heart was in pain, a million shattered pieces of it giving her a new wound.
Be strong they'd say,
She hung her head and cried.
A girl could fight worst of her enemies all alone,
But how does one fight their loved ones betrayal.
They betrayed, she cried.
Her heart broke and they laughed.
They could be friends, family, her most trusted ones.
She expected love in return of love,
Trust in return for trust, was it too much to ask?
You tell me was it too much?
She cried like there was no tomorrow,
Her heart shattering in pain,
You, I, we all have met someone in our lives like 'they' were in her's.
Who betrayed our trust and love.
She cried and cried,
She let herself break.
She was stronger than this,
She is better than this.
She knew this all along,
A spark to live freely again was still there, deep in her soul.
A part that wanted to fight, to live.
She let herself shatter,
So she could be better.
The broken her came to gather again,
She's a girl and she's never weak.
She's the creation that can bring a life to this world,
Then how in world I don't understand people try to kill her,
May it be by rape, murder or betrayal.
She had decided that she'll stand strong and she'll do as she feels,
Yes she's a girl but she's never weak.
She may shatter at one point,
But that doesn't mean she's weak.
It just means she has been strong for too long.
She shattered but gathered herself and stood stronger than before.
If the nature has blessed her with the power of bringing a life in the world,
She can surely handle her's and live according to her will.
She's strong cause she can smile while her heart is crying,
She's strong because she can give up herself for her loved ones.
If you show her love she won't hesitate to sacrifice her life,
She's strong, she'll do as she wills.
You have no right to judge her and for hopes to kill.
She's just another girl,
She's just plain.
She cries when she's in pain.
She is a girl and she's never weak.
What can I say she's just unique...

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