You're The One For Whom I Still Grieve

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I sat smiling as I turned the leaf of my dairy,
Some bringing back tears while others making me merry.
I recalled a friend, A forgotten fight
a happy day,and a mournful night.
His teasing glance,
as I read my first novel of romance.
The late movie night,
You hugging me so tight.
Memories and memories being unfolded,
I remember the way my life was being molded.
The loss of brother,
I still remember the day unlike any other.
That fatal night,
From when nothing ever seemed bright.
The tears and mourning,
His corpse laid there while my emotions were storming.
Disbelief, Pain, and all sorts of fears, and yet the denial held back my tears.
Lost in the memories of us playing, laughing to gather,
I could feel his hand caress my cheek like a feather.
He was an Angel with a mischievous smile,
It feels like his memories are stored in my brain in very a special file.
Us spilling the milk and laughing, carefree,
And building the tree house on the huge,giant tree,
Riding the bikes to gather,
You were the best blessing brother.
A piece of my heart died that day with you,
Your memories are like the flowers with fresh water dew.
People die yet memories live,
You're the one for whom I still grieve...


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