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My first love is she,
She is my reason to live,
She is the sunshine of my life.
She has amazing eyes and pink pouty lips,
She is my light in the darkness.
She is like the fresh dew on the leaves,
She is a beautiful soul,
Without whom I cannot live.
The first love of my life so innocent, so pure.
The first love of my life has brought color in my dull world.
The first love of my life has been like a loving touch on my shattered soul.
The first love of my life has made me once again whole.
My love, you made alive again,
The world seems new to me.
It's like I'm seeing the world with a new angle. 
Earlier what seemed like just a road,
Now seems like a path that will lead me to you.
You are the wish that has come true.
You are the blessing in my life.
A positive note in my negative life.
It's like I have stepped in a totally new world,
I don't know about you but I'm crazily in love.
I feel like I have touched the sky,
It's feel like the world is in my arms when you are in my arms.
You changed my whole life,
You changed it for better.
You are the one that matter.
You smile, I smile.
You cry and it seems like my heart is breaking. 
You tears my dear matter most to me.
Your tears are the most expensive pearls,
Don't waste them my darling.
Just smile your sunshine smile,
Just smile.
After all you're the first love of my life.


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