Lonely. . .

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My contact list has numbers in it above hundred,

It's funny how I still feel alone.
There are six billion people in the world,
Then why do I feel lonely?
I smile at most of the times,
But it doesn't reach my eyes.
I have so many friends,
Yet when I cry there's no one to wipe my tears.
To the world I'm not lonely,
I have a big family, many friends,
I'm the kid with all the comfort.
Then why am I not happy?
Why do I cry?
Why does the six billion people can't replace a single one?
Why does loving you so much hurts?
Why? Why? Why?
I don't know if I'll ever get the answers to this questions,
But I do know that loving someone with complete heart and then when they leave, it just shatters you.
I'm just a normal average person,
With no speciality,
I loved you like no other could ever be able to.
The lost shattered soul of mine just moves around,
A smile on the face and with a crying, breaking heart.
This is how I live.
This doesn't seem only my story,
Where ever I turn there's a smiling person who is crying internally.
With little to no one around.
A world so wide yet everything seems dull,
I don't know much about others,
But I'm just done.
Done with your memories,
Done with you,
Done with the shattered heart,
That has been broken apart,
Done with the pain,
I'm done with everything,
I need to move away from you,
You are my past,
You belong in my past.
You won't taint my future,
There is no need for you to be there.
I gave you my trust,
You broke it, you made your choice!
I ain't a fool to come back to you every time.
I lost myself in your love,
I lost my heart,
I gained just pain,
All my prays that you love me back have gone to vain.
I don't care now who you are.
How you are.
I just don't.
The way you cheated on me, I can't forget and I won't!
I'll be stronger,
I'll start new,
I'll gather my broken pieces of heart,
I'll do it and I'll find myself again,
A new life without your tainted self,
They say that the difference between love and hate is just as much as the width of a tread,
You crossed that limit,
You crossed my heart,
I still don't hate you,
Because I loved you with my whole heart,
There is no place for you now in my life,
Hating you would give you importance,
You are just another face now in the crowd to me.
I hate the day I met you,
But like they say if it doesn't kill you,
It teaches you something for life.
I learned my lesson the hard way,
I'll live my life the way I want, you no longer matter to me bae. . .

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