~|~A Plan For Tomorrow~|~

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"Uhm... thanks..." was all Tadashi could say. "Y-Yea... you're welcome." Kageyama uttered. They just stood next to each other, looking in the opposite direction. "Anyways... here's the manga I wanted you to see. If you are into music and a bit of romance then I think you will like it." Yamaguchi spoke. "Oh, well I am not really into romance or music. But I will give it a shot." Said Tobio. Yamaguchi smiled, it set tiny fireworks in Kageyama's stomach. "Boys! Dinners ready!" Mother Yamaguchi yelled. "Coming!" They both say.

The two berries go down to get hit with the savory smell of curry. "Oh my god! Tobi, try this curry, it's amazing!!!" Miwa declared. "I can tell you guys enjoy it." Tobio chuckled. He grabs a bowl and fill it with rice and curry. As he was going to grab a spoon, Tadashi grabbed it and said, "I-I will serve you!" "You don't have to, I can grab it myself." Kageyama protested, "N-No, I insisted! Since you saved me from cracking my skull. It's the least I could do..." Tadashi defended. Kageyama then nodded and Yamaguchi plopped the rice and curry in his bowl. "Thank you." Said Tobio. Yamaguchi smiled, "No problem!"

"Okay, so the parents will take the guest room, Miwa can take the living room and then Tobio can crash with Tadashi." Mr Yamaguchi announced. Mother Yamaguchi grabs some thick blankets for Miwa, while Mr Yamaguchi grabbed a sleeping bag for Tobio. Tadashi was sitting on his bed re-reading Given, while Tobio was laying on his sleeping bag watching videos about space. The parents were in the kitchen talking and Miwa is sleeping while listening to Asmr. It was pretty quiet with the two berry boys, so Kageyama sparked up a conversation. "How long have you lived here?" "Hmm, maybe since I was around 2. I don't remember when I was ever out of the country side. How long have you lived in the suburbs?" Kageyama thought about it then replied, "Maybe when I was 4 or 5. I do remember living in the city, then my parents thought the city was too crowded for me and my sister, so we moved a couple of hours away and boom, here we are." Tadashi giggled, he then asked "What are the pros and cons about living in the suburbs?" Tobio thought about it a bit longer then he did before, then said. "Well, there are many neighbors you can talk to, uhm... well that's the only pro I have, but the cons. There's not much you can explore, some people are rude and careless. You don't really have a big area to do anything, there is more but I'm too tired to think about it, hehe. What about here?" "Hmm, when you live here, the scenery is beautiful, there are so many places to go and explore, but you are basically away from everything. Stores, schools, malls, anything!"

"I just want to get away from this place. I love it here don't get me wrong, but I want to see the rest of the world." Kageyama giggled, then he came out with, "Well, maybe tomorrow, you can show me around this place. You can tell me how to grow things, or how to build, whichever is fine." Tadashi looked at him and said, "That sounds good. Oh! And I can bring my other friends so you can meet them!" "Sounds like a plan." Kageyama agreed. During the night they shared memories from their past which led them to fall asleep.

( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

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