~~Farewell Kageyama~~

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It's been about two days since then. The Kageyama's are leaving this Sunday. Tadashi and Tobio have been awkward with each other, they try to stay away from each other as possible, well mostly Tadashi. Kageyama wanted to hear his reason for breaking up with him, but Yamaguchi never told. Although, there was something Tobio have been doing without Yama knowing. Him and the gang + Taiko & Kenma have been busy building the tree house. Even it took them two days, the last thing they had to do was add the furniture. I'm about a few hours, they were completely done. Everyone was sweating, but they all still did a group hug. Soon, Tadashi came out. "Wow..." was all he said, looking at the tree house in amazement. "Hey..." Kageyama says awkwardly. "Hi..." the Strawberry said back. The gang knew about the problem. "Uhm, I like the tree house. It's beautiful." Tadashi smiles, causing Tobio to blush. They did a house tour and relaxed in it.

They decided to have a sleepover in the new tree house, they grabbed all the blankets, pillows and stuff animals that they could find in Tadashi's house. They finished getting their importance's and started to play truth or dare.

"Sho, truth or dare?" Yachi asks. "Truth! I know how deadly your dares are." He says. "What were you singing to yourself while we were building the tree house?" She smirks at him, earning a wide eyed tangerine. "U-Uhhh...." "come on, spit it out." Kageyama teases. Hinata takes a deep breath and confesses, "a true, true friend.....from My Little Pony...." he then flops behind in embarrassment. Everyone starts laughing. "Are you serious?!" Tsukishima exclaimed. "It's not my fault it's a catchy song!!" He yells at them.

"Fine then, Yamaguchi. T or D?" Shoyo asks. "I guess truth." He mutters. "Why did you break up with Kageyama?" Everyone looks at Tadashi, who is hesitant. Everyone is curious, especially Kageyama since he never got a reason. "I just....fell out of love." He quietly says. Tobio got up and exited the tree house to get some fresh air. He then started to sob underneath the house.

The gang just decided to call it a night and went to their "bed". Taiko and Yachi were cuddled up next to each other, the same with Kenma and Shoyo. Tadashi was on the left side, Tsukishima in the middle, and supposedly Tobio on the right but he was still outside, which concerned Yamaguchi. 'Why would I lie, you should of said the truth!' Tears rolled down his sweet, chubby, freckled face. He got up and went outside to check up on him. When he got on the ground, he saw him sitting underneath the bright, beautiful stars. The long grass in front of him were filled with fireflies buzzing around. He saw that he was okay and heads back up to the treehouse, which the memory makes him feel calmer. Soon, Tobio went back upstairs and everyone were peacefully sleeping

'He looks so peaceful. I'm sorry Tobio, I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for ruining this trip for you. I just don't want our relationship to drift away, into nothingness, since we are 5 hours away from each other. I want you to meet someone who will love you, cherish you and make you feel special.'

Sunday, 4:26am.
This is it for them. Time to for the Kageyama's to leave the farm. They have their belongings in the car, and the last thing to do is to say goodbye to the Yamaguchi's. "I'm going to miss your cooking!!" Miwa cries as she is squeezing both of the parents. They were giving their goodbyes, which the last person to say farewell is Tadashi. "Uhm...it was nice hanging out with you." Tobio says, Tadashi agreeing. "Oh come on, hug you two love birds!!" Mother Kageyama teases. The two hugged, both of them not wanting to let go. The Kageyama's got into the car and drove off. 'I'm sorry Tobio, I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for ruining your trip. I didn't want our relationship to drift away, into nothingness. Since we live 5 hours away from each other, I hope you find someone who will cherish you, spoil you and makes you feel loved and special. Farewell Tobio....

I love you.'


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