^+^Making Strawberry Milk^+^

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"Let's make something today." Tadashi announced. "What do you want to make?" Kageyama asks. Tada thought for about 30 seconds and said, "strawberry milk!" 'Strawberry milk? I mean, I would like to try homemade strawberry milk.' Tobio was dreaming of the delicious concoction, until he was interrupted by Tadashi poking his nose and giggling. They got up and went to the kitchen to look for the right ingredients.

"Okay, so first we need some milk, of course. Next, is strawberries. Ice cream, now, we have homemade ice cream so, no crappy convenience store stuff. And, that's probably all we need. So, let's go to the cow pen to get some milk!" Tadashi exclaims and drags Tobio out of the house.

"Uhm, Tada..." Kageyama mutters, still loud enough for Tadashi to hear. "Could you teach me....how to milk a cow?" He asks, twirling his fingers in embarrassment. "Of course! To be honest, I may or may not wanted to teach you how to milk a cow, ever since I heard you were coming over." Tadashi confesses, which grows a small blush on Tobio's face. Tadashi cleans the utter with a wet cloth, ready for milking. "Okay here's the instructions." Yamaguchi stated as he bends down to the cow's utter. "You first place the bucket underneath the utter. You would want to pinch here and drag your fingers down as you are doing it, to get all the milk. Then aim towards the bucket, then boom! You've milked a cow." He pulls Kageyama down and guides his hand to the utter. 'Why does it feel weird?' He thought, and the look on his face made Tada giggle. Kags does what Yama instructed and now milk is spewing out of the utter, into the bucket. "Go Tobio!" Yamaguchi cheers on.

The two got back to the house, with a large bucket filled with milk. Tobio places the bucket next to sink, ready for the next quest. "Now, you can't just drink it while it's like that. Even though people do it, the milk has bacteria and all that nasty bugs. So, we are going to strain the milk from a wet cloth." Tadashi explains as he wets the cloth and squeezes it out. He orders Kageyama to get at least two jars from on top of the cabinets, and place it in the sink. He does exactly that and watches Tadashi pour the cow milk through the cloth, into the jar. Both of them seal the jar and places them in the fridge. "Now we should wait about an hour before they are nice and cooled. So, you want to go get some strawberries?" Tadashi asks, Tobio agrees.

They make it to the strawberry fields, with two straw baskets and straw hats. "Hey look, it's a whole bunch of you's!" Kageyama teases, which causes Tadashi to blush. "Shut up!" He punches Tobio's arm. They get down and start picking. "We will pick from here over to there." Tadashi points from the beginning of the line of strawberries, to about 2 feet. Kageyama sighs. "I know, let's just get it over with. Plus, our parents can help, if they are not lazy." Tadashi says as he continues.

The two berries finished and made their way back to the house. "Where did you guys go?" Miwa asks as she walks down the stairs. "We went strawberry picking, and look how much we got!" Kageyama exclaims as he slams the basket on the counter. The basket was filled to the top, one more could of make them tumble down. "Is the milk ready?" Kageyama asks his boyfriend. "Most likely, but go clean yourself. You're all sweaty and gross." Tada giggles.

After both of the boys showered, they got started with pouring the ingredients inside. "Milk, strawberries, sugar and...blend!" Tadashi says as he turns on the blender. "It's very loud!" Kageyama yells, Tadashi couldn't hear, "what?!" He yells back.

It's finished, the delicious, creamy, sweet concoction is ready to be tested. Tobio pours it into two glasses, exactly equal. They drank it, Tobio basically inhaling every drop. "That was, the best milkshake I have ever tasted, in my life." Kageyama says. Tadashi grew the biggest smile ever. "I am very glad!" He threw himself on Tobio, with him catching the massive strawberry. "I love you." Tobio whispers to him. "I love you more." Tadashi giggles.


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