-^-What A Ride We Had Today-^-

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"And boom! The 15th pancake finished!" Hinata declared. They were all at the kitchen counter eating Hinata's homemade pancakes.

"Holy moly Hinata, these are amazing! Even better than before!!" Yachi muffled out as she had a pancake in her mouth. "What, are you saying that my pancakes are not good all the time?! I feel hurt." Shoyo dramatically whined. "Oh shut up you big baby." Yachi chuckled. "Wait, where did our parents go?" Tobio asked Tadashi. "They most likely stayed at my neighbors house." Kageyama gave Tadashi a confused look. "Ah, I mean they would probably have stayed up late and just ended up staying there. It's all normal!" Yamaguchi panicked a bit.

"Well me and this idiot are off. We will see you later!" Yachi said. "Bye Kageyama! Hope we can see each other again!" Hinata smiled. And off they went to their homes. Kageyama and Yamaguchi look at each other in awkward silent. 'His eyes are like looking at the bright blue ocean.' Tadashi mindlessly thought. 'His freckles are like sprinkles on a perfect cupcake...' Tobio thought. Their stares were interrupted by a burning smell. They both turned and saw the stove on fire. "Holy shit!" Tadashi panicked as he races over to turn off the stove. "Stupid Hinata, not turning the stove completely off!" He scolded. Tadashi tried to find a way to cool off the fire, then came Kageyama smacking the fire with his shirt. The fire died down, left with smoke rising up. "Are you okay?" Tobio asked as he was panting. "Y-Yea, are you okay?" Tadashi replied, blushing as bright as a rose. "Yea..." 'Wow...' Tadashi thought as he looks at Kageyama's torso.

"Ugh, I guess this shirt is going to the trash." Kageyama uttered. He threw the shirt in the bin, then walked up the stairs to get another shirt. As Tadashi watches Tobio disappear upstairs, he face plants into a pillow. Blushing and laughing. 'Oh my god! Oh my god! Why does he have to be so hot. Like, how?!' His thoughts were racing around his mind. 'Tadashi. You can't like him already! It's his third day and here you are fangirling. You have to stop this nonsense or else he wi-' his thoughts were interrupted by hearing footsteps becoming louder. Yamaguchi then sat up, still having the pillow in his face and tried to act like nothing happened. "Hey uhm, do you want to watch a show or something?" Kageyama asked. Tadashi nodded. He then grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

It was 10:26 am, they were both watching Adventure Time and munching on some Gold Fish. Kageyama was invested in the show, while Tadashi was glancing at his face. 'Why do you have to show such a cute face. Wait, Tadashi! Stop it!! You can't fall for him that quickly, plus he's most likely straight. You have no chance with him.' He tried to focus on the show but couldn't.

The two berries parents and Miwa came at around 11:36 am. "Aww, I wish I could meet your friends Tada. Oh, I hope you are fine with me calling you Tada." Mother Kageyama said. "It's totally fine! Plus, my friends would of loved you if you met them." Tadashi giggled. 'Why why why. Why do you have to be so god damn cute!' Kageyama thought.

Time went by very quickly, it was currently 9:49 pm. Everyone was heading to bed, but there was a problem. Before they were all heading to bed, Kageyama walked in Tadashi's room to grab his phone. He had a glass of orange juice, so when he was walking towards his bag, he tripped on something and the orange juice spilled onto his futon. "Ah shit." He cursed. So, he had to share a singular bed with Tadashi. Kageyama said that he would sleep on one of the single couches, but Mother Yamaguchi said it would hurt his neck.

It was quiet. A very awkward quiet. Yamaguchi was looking at the stars through his window, while Kageyama was looking at the ceiling. "I'm sorry. I wish I didn't carry the orange juice with me, I will make it up to you tomorrow." Tadashi then turned around to look at him. "It's okay, it's my fault I left the room a mess." The two berries were back to staring at each other. 'His nose is tiny.' 'His eyes are just perfect.' 'His lips look so small.' 'His lips looks so soft.' 'What if I kiss him?' 'Would he like it?' Their faces were slowly getting closer and closer. 'I want him.' 'I just want a taste.' And then boom. They kissed.

After about about 30 seconds, Kageyama started to move his lips, same goes with Tadashi. Tobio put his hands around Yamaguchi's waist and Tadashi wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck. Then, both of them pulled away. They looked at each other, both thinking. 'Holy...shit...that just happened...'

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