The Enemy of Trust

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Dick patroled around Blühaven not as  Talon but as Nightwing finally watching as the cars go by.Until and red and white streak appears out of corner of his eye. Dick gets up from his  position and turns around to face Kid Flash almost know as Wally west himself.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Central City"

"Aren't you supposed to be at that Court of yours?"Wally spat back his voice in a tone of rage

"Artemis told you didn't she..I figured you try and find out what was happening" Dick sighed in disappointment knowing that sooner or later he'd find out

"You lied to be to all of us..why would you go back and join them again after everything they did to you!"

"They're gone"

"What do mean gone oh my god you..please please tell me you didn't kill them"Wally says in horror and disbelief

Dick looks down in defeat not saying a word
then Wally continues "So did do it you killed them and then took their place"

"I had no choice"


"They counted on me to lead and so I did you remember what happened to my Great Grandfather how I killed him and got rid of him I'm still a murder overall and you out of all people saw it"

"Your insane... your completely insane"

"Kid Flash I came here to do my job get back to Central and do yours"Dick retorted back ant Wally glaring at him


"Excuse me?"

"Your heard me you either give me answers or I'll have to get them out you"

Dick walk closer to Wally and looks at him in the face"You don't want to do this Wally"

"Nope but I'm gonna do it anyways"

Dick steps back and pulls out his Escrima Sticks while Wally gets into a fighting stance and looking at the electricity coming from weapon and speeds at him coming up from behind Dick.

Dick eyes widen under his mask turning around to look at Wally but only to get punched in the face,he stumbles forward to  to be kicked in the face by Wally being struck by all sides again,Dick looks around to his side to him coming up behind him again.Dick side-steps putting his Escrima Sticks to his side making Wally fall and hit the ground infront of him.Dick looks down at Wally and goes to hit him but Wally moves quickly out the the way and quickly gets back up.

Dick waits for his next move but of course it happened so quickly,Wally sweeps both of Dick's feet from under him by coming up from behind him then appearing in front of him ,Dick manages land on his feet and kicks Wally in the stomach upward.

Wally is suddenly grabbed by the wrist and slammed down on the ground knocking the wind out of him,Dick puts both of Wally's  hands behind his back.

"That's enough Kid Flash I don't want to hurt even more than I already have"

Wally slowly tries to regain his breath and manages to speak "T-Then give m-me answers now."

"Fine I will"Dick lets him go and watches Wally get up from the ground,he looks over at the streets of Blühaven before looking over at Wally crossing his arms waiting for him to speak.

"Well what do you want to know first"

"Why you kept it from everyone,how long has this been going on,what have you been doing?!"

"While you were still recovering after what happened in Antarctica,you almost ceasing to exist,my plan was to get information but once the grandmaster attacked me I didn't mean to kill her it all happened so quickly"

"Yeah sure anyways why did you keep it from us" Wally gives him a glare which Dick greatly receives but it makes him look down in disappointment.

"I didn't want to screw up again,for everyone to become mad at me because of my choices,now that I think about it you  were right I endangered everyone when the cave blew I didn't say anything"

"Is that true you really did think you were a screw up?"

"Yes..I did.. I didn't want to hurt you or repeat everything over again it was my problem but now that you and Artemis know I guess it's too late"

Wally didn't know what to say he was mad,angry even inside but at the same time he couldn't help but feel sorry for Dick all that time he felt that way probably even when they were together he felt that way.

"Although I found out about that assassin situation"

Wally looks at him in surprise,suddenly intrigued in what he had just said "They had connections in Gotham but their location is Infinity Island"Dick continued

"Well now we got a location which is all we have to do is-"

"Tell everyone else"both of them say at the same time Dick puts his hand on his shoulder and looks away "and about what you've been doing too"

" I know"

Both of them stay in silence until Wally shoves Dick with his shoulder  starts to walk away and Dick looks down.

"I-I'm sorry"

Wally closes his eyes then looks ahead of him

" too"

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