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It's been a year since I've been with my new family. I love them so much. They don't hurt me or yell at me like how my parents did. I got my Qurik !! It's called rumor ! ( if you watch Umbrella Academy then you probably know this ) I say " I heard a rumor " and say what I want them to do after it ! It's so cool!

I'm currently sitting in the living room. I am watching tv. Dabi walks in and looks at me.

" Hey we have to go " he says

" Where ?" I ask

" We have to go see The boss to get you more quirks let's go" he says

I run over to him and take his hand. We walk out the place and kiriogiri makes a prorate to a place. We go through and it's a empty wear house. A man walks out with a suit. He has a black mask covering his face.

" Hello little one " he says

" I'm All for one and I'm going to give you quirks okay" he says

I nod and he sticks his hand out for me to take it. I take it and we walk through the dark shadows

*Time skip brought to you by Froot Loops*

I wake up in a bed. It's my bed that I sleep in at the Base. I see Dabi in the corner on his phone. He looks this way.

" I see your up " he says

" what happened?" I ask

" you got more quirks. You now have Invisibility, copy , shapeshift , and you can make people see things , and you can move things with your mind" he says

" oh and We found out you have Dislocative Identity Disorder...... " he says

" what's that's ?" I ask

" I means you have multiple personalities in your head that can show its self without control " he says

I nod and get of the bed. We both head downstairs Ned have a normal day

* time skip brought to you by SPRINKLES!*

I was sitting in the living room watching tv. It was probably 8-10 pm. I was starting to fall asleep. I heard a crash and glass shattering. I shot up and heard people screaming.

I get up and run twords the commotion. I see hero's running into rooms and searching. I see them spot me and I run.

" WE FOUND HER " I hero yells

I run up the stairs and trip. The hero's grab me and I scream

" LET ME GO " I cry

" LET ME GO" I hit them but nothings happening they keep running out the building

I try to squirm out of their arms but I can't. I hit his eyes and he drops me. I squeak as I hit the ground....

I get up and run ..... I run up the stairs and hit someone. I fall backwards and see Dabi. He picks me up and runs up to a room and I see a portal that Kirogiri made. He runs to it and we jump into it........... but

As we jump I feel someone grab me out of Dabi's arms...... Dabi try's to grab me but he falls through the portal. I am in a hero's arms and he runs out the building. I scream and cry. I eventually stop and give up. I'm out in a police car and we drive off. I cry the whole way.


I've been taken to police and foster care..... they've found out I have rare blood that can make quirks stronger snd more powerful..... I've been to 32 different places and they all have me back because of my quirks and issues ....... I'm taken to this one family...... it has a Mother , older brother by 1 year , and a sister who is 16....... they go by the Johnsons .......





But their last name is



And red is the sister of a villan named

Kai Chisaki

Or Overhaul

This can't be good

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