Prepare for the School Festival

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It's been a few weeks and we are in the car driving to Ua.... I look out the window and see the buildings ...... I'm wearing a black long sleeve T-shirt that was way to big for me,  and shorts that are covered with the long sleeve T-shirt. We got out the car and we walked down a sidewalk..... I was holding Mirio's hand and eri was holding mine ...... I look at the Giant 'H' that was UA ..... Eri was looking at it to...... we get to a stop and we see the students outside doing ..... a weird movement...... Mirio smiles and runs behind a bush.....

I stand there behind a bush and Mirio pulls me down..... I crouch down and He smiles ...... Eri is next to me crouching down as well

" Looks like they haven't noticed us yet . I'll swoop in and hit them where they can't Miss gag that will crack them up before They know what's what-" mirio says 

" oh hey Togata!" I hear Deku say

Mirio's face drops and he shoves me and Eri out the bush. He shoved his butt out the bush as well! I look back at Mirio and Eri keeps looking at The students

" Eri ,Timmie!" The girls say

" Hey guys I brought a peach~ for ya!" Mirio says

The guy who I guess was Aizawa, from what deku says, is standing behind the bush.... Some run up to us and I back away scared ...... Eri stays in place and just stares

" Eri ,Timmie!" Deku says

" hi deku" eri says

Mirio climbs out of the bush and walks twords me

" wait don't tell me you got a secret kid?!" A boy with a tail says

Mirio wipes of leaves that are on his and walk by me ..... I look at him and he gives me a smile.....

" those clothes look great on you!" A frog girl says

" YALL. ARE.  PRECIOUS!" A girl with brown hair says

" Midoriya! FinalY got permission from the principal" aizawa says

A tall man with glasses walks twords us ...

" well hello ! You must be Eri and Timmie from the work study. Very nice to meet you, I'm Iida" Iida says

" Mineta ! Hey there your a looker aren't ya ! " The grape says to me

I pull Eri close to me and I cling onto Mirio's arm....

" oh right ! Their kinna shy and Timmie is protective over Eri " mirio says

" oh well that's perfectly fine " Iida says

" let's start the Tour ! I want to show them what's it's like on campus here so they know what we do here ! You want to come to Midoriya?" mirio says

" yes!" Deku says

" HEY DANCE TEAM ! NEW PLAN!- oh! ITS ERI AND TIMMIE!" A red head says from the building

He starts running up to us

" oh wait we were never actually introduced were we ?" He says

" OKAY group WHY DONT WE TAKE A BREAK ITS TEA TIME!" A pink girl says

* time skip brought to you by
Author-Chan eating Cheeze-its at 3:48 am*

We were walking down the hall. Mirio has his uniform on now. I'm holding his hand and is looking down..... it's a thing I do so I woke make eyes contact....

" it may be A weekend day but since the students live here in the dorms everyone is running around campus" mirio says

" hey it's Togata !" A student says

I look up and see 2 boys

" WHOA WHOS THAT?! Don't tell me your Temporary leave from school is because you have a kid with this Girl! Who is probably your girlfriend!" A boys say

I see Mirio's face go red and he smiles.

" Dude you got to say something now I think it's for real! " the boy says

" no this is My old friend and that's her sister !" Mirio says scratching his neck

" o-oh well all jokes aside, here ! It's the banner for class 1's presentation!" The boy says

" oh wow that's a cool banner !" Deku says


* time skip brought to you by Author-Chan wanting food *

I was now sitting at a cafeteria table drinking a soda with eri. Ive just seen the whole schoo! It's so COOL! It's bigger then it looks!

" so what do you think of the School!?" Deku says

" it's big and I can see how hard everyone is working " I say

" yha it's super big and everyone looks like they are having fun" Eri says

Deku and mirio look at each other and smile.

I hear talking from another table

" looks like our guest like this place! They are comfortable here! " a mouse....... bear...... dog........? Looking creature says

" if only the police would understand that" a woman with Dark blue hair says

" now now You know what they said ....... even if they have to....... if for our safety and theirs " the mouse guy said shoving a piece of cheese in his mouth

" what do you mean?" Deku says

" they are- The police are putting a strict rule on The school " she says

" if a villan attacks near the school , then the whole school and festival gets shut down " she says

" well we should get going " the mouse said hoping from the chair

" good luck with y'all's Performance class 1-A " The woman says and walks away with the mouse

" performance?" Eri asks

" oh ! My class is putting a performance! You should come see it !! I'm dancing and I'm sure y'all love it !" Deku says

it looked like the woman had something else to say that she wouldn't say ........

Wonder what it is

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