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⚠️gore/ mentions of rape ext./ blood ⚠️

Yesterday was the encounter with Mirio and the green headed boy. I am in my room looking into the mirror I see all my scars from the past years I'm 16 now and I was six when I started it's been 10 years Eric came a year and a half ago. My scars are everywhere all over my body.......  I've been raped so many times ....... I've been harassed and raped and touched......

I hate my body ...... people call my body perfect..... I call it a attraction for men and rape ...... I hate my body so much ......

I fell tears fill my eyes....... I fall to my knees crying ..... holding my skinny scarred body......

I look at the mirror and cry seeing my Bandages and blood... I take off me bandages and throw them in the corner... I look at my arms that are scarred and bleeding ..... there are chunks out of my arms ...... I look into the mirror and look at my scar on my face between my glasses..... it's on my left side of my face ..... it's 3 slashes across my eye.....

I still remember that day I got cut in my eye......

- flash back -
•10 years ago•

I was sitting on the couch watching tv ....

" Timmie "

I hear a voice say

I turn around and look to see nothing

" Timmie "

I turn around and don't see anything........ I get up and feel a pain in my head. I fall to the ground.....

" TIMMIE " the voice screams

I start to feel my body go numb like..... I scream and the pain finally stops ....... I look up to see 4 other body's..... They get up and they look like me ........

One has black Horns and their eyes are pitch black..... she has sharp teeth and red eyes

The other has slits from the corners of her mouth to her ears ..... she yawns and you can see her sharp teeth and her spit tongue.....

The third has one horn and it's snapped off ..... she has tears colored black rolling down her cheeks...... she has a crescent moon on her forehead...... she looks very tired .....

The last one is glitching like a computer..... she a has bright pink eye and a neon green eye ..... there is bright green liquid spilling out of her mouth......

I get up and they all look at me ....... I stare at them and one of them finally speaks ....

" hey I'm Max your Timmie correct?" The one with red eyes says

I nod

" this is Nova " Max says pointing to The girl with the slit mouth

Nova turns towards the wall and crawls into the corner

" Well now grate ! You made her sad M-Max!" The glitch girl says

" that's Glitch girl " Max says pissed

" It's Not glitch girl I've told you that! My name is Ray" Glitch girl says

" and that's Luna ! " Rey says

" I'm hungry " Max says and turns into a wolf

She sniffs the air and wags her tail

"I smell someone in the house" she says

They smile and turn into smoke. They go back into my body. I feel pain in my head and then it all turned black!


I wake up to a horrifying scene...... my brother , Mother , and sister are dead ! I scream and step back ...... my face goes pale as I feel something wet and squishy under my foot..... I look down and see that I'm covered in blood ! I see that I've stepped into Guts of my brother...... I scream and fall backwards..... My family's eyes are pulled out and their mouth was like Nova's ..... their arms and legs are switched and it looks like they were playing with their food...... I have blood all over me !

I touch my face and see 3 slashes on my left eye..... This Life can't get any worse........

I grab the phone and dial 911 I tell them that my family got murdered. Later the police come in the ambulance gotten my family is dead and I am being taken to my uncles to stay there .......


* Flashback over *

I hear my name being called from down the hall. I walk out my room to see the two men from before standing there they grab me and drag me down the hall I scream cry..... I get shoved into a room and shoved and tied into the chair. I try to get out but my weak body can't get out of the tight bands around my hands and legs that are holding me in place. I see overhaul Walk in and stand in front of me..........

"I've been thinking .......... how do you know that boy from the encounter with the heroes" he says

"What boy are you talking about" I ask

" The blonde the blonde with blue eyes I think he goes by Lemillion ....... " he says

"I don't know him can you if I did I still wouldn't know because I got my memory erased remember" I say

"Right I knew you wouldn't budge so that's why I added anything to this chair every time you disobey me ......... I can flip a switch and electrical currents will be soon shock your body over and over until I flip it off "

"No how do you know that blind boy" he says putting his finger on the switch

" I told you I don't know him" I say

Suddenly I feel a wave of pain over my body. Electrical currents are shocking me. I scream in pain and the pain stops as he flips the switch off.

"Now tell me how do you know that boy ?" He ask again

"I told you I don't know him " I say

Another shockwave shocks me. I scream in pain and I cry. I'm stronger and more painful.

" how do you know that boy ?" He asks

" ..... " I stay quiet

" if you won't budge the I guess I'll have to use this on Eri and make you watch-"

" I KNOW HIM " I Yell

" tell me how " he says

" all I remember was that we met when we were younger he was the next-door neighbor and he used to sit by me on the bus. His name is Mirio Togata ....... we spent a lot of time together but then I moved in with you and I never saw him again" I say tear forming my eyes again

"OK go back to your cell and you're not getting any supper" he says

" not like I have an a in in three weeks " I mumble

He walks out and I am thrown into my cell..... Eri was in there and she Runs to me.... she hugs me....

" Timmie are you okay?!" she says

I nod

There are burn marks all over my body now .....

God help us

We beg of you

Take us away from this place

Help us.....

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