The 2 Lines

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 2 lines

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2 lines....

The other Pregnancy test beeps and I turn it around.... 2 lines

" What?" I hear Keigo say

I step back in shock...

" Timmie? What does it say?"

My body start shaking...

- Keigo's pov-

They step back and run out the bathroom... I run after them

" KID!"

I lost them... I search around my apartment


I find them in a room looking into a mirror... They're crying

I run to the bathroom to check the pregnancy tests...

.... The 2 lines...

On both...

I turn around and see timmie... Down the Hall crying

I run to them and hug them...

" I don't know what I'm going to do... Moms going to get mad at me... I can't take care of a baby! I can barely take care of myself! I don't know what I'm going to tell Aizawa! I don't know what I'm going to tell Mirio! What am I going to do for school! What am I going to tell mom?! She's gonna kill me! " they sob

" I'm okay with what ever path you choose .. I support you for what you do and what you want to do"

" I can't have a kid now! I could barely take care of Eri without almost dying! And she was older! Hades is asleep in my room because he got sick! I don't know what to do!" they sob

They  start to fall... I catch them and now we're on the ground... They're sobbing... And shaking

" I didn't think I could have kids! And mama is gonna get mad at me for not doing what she told me to do! I can barely stay alive at home! She throws empty beer and wine bottles at me! "

" kid..."

They pull away and look at Me with a scared expression

" I don't want to go back home! Please don't make me go back home!"

I hug them....

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