Chapter 21

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Leaving the gate and base behind them the young engineer enjoyed the good weather. It did not snow and there was little wind. The sun was shining and its faint warmth was stroking his hair and face. The only thing that was to his dislike, was that all the snow and ice reflected the sun which made him squint to see something. Prinz Eugen next to him did not seem to be bothered. She looked around with an expression of slight curiosity. "Looks like it's your first time in this city." He stated. Turning her head to face him she replied: "Well, I only have been here for about a day. But it looks quite interesting. I have not been out into the towns and cities that much. Normally I am only allowed to leave the base when there are meetings and events inlands. I have never really been into a city like that. I mostly only drove through them on the way to somewhere." Taking up the opportunity the young engineer replied nonchalantly: "Well, now you get a first hand experience of what normal human life is like." With that he made a turn into one of the smaller streets. In that street there were less people around and the road was not snow plowed. Walking on what they guessed was still the sidewalk they continued along the concrete and red bricked tenement houses until they got to the small store, the young engineer started to become very familiar with. Opening the door and holding it open for the cruiser he entered after her.

While Prinz Eugen looked at all the things the store had to offer, the young engineer walked up to the counter and knocked on its wooden surface. The door behind the counter opened and a woman of about 40 years appeared. "Hello Miss. How are you today?" He greeted her. She looked him up in a thorough way. Afterwards she answered him in a cold tone: "Hello Mister. How can I help you?" Not deterred by her cold tone he continued in the same cheerful tone: " I was here yesterday evening and asked for two things to be made ready for me to pick up today. I had the pleasure to have this interaction with the older Lady that was shopkeeping in the evening." She stared at him while he explained. After he ended she nodded and left for the room behind the counter. Waiting for her, the young engineer turned around to see Prinz Eugen looking at all the alcoholic beverages on one of the shelves. " Don't you think it is a bit early to look for a drink already?" He asked her erroneously. She stopped leaning forward and turned to look towards him. " Well, you might get drunk after a bottle, but I don't. Also, when I am here in this land of ice, the least I can do is try their local cuisine." She answered smugly. Before he could say anything the woman appeared back behind the counter with a package the size of a backpack. While paying for the item he asked the woman: " I know the older lady working in this store is the grandmother of Pjotr Kosolow. Are you related to him as well and if so, is there anything I can do for you concerning him?" The woman looked up from counting the money. "Yes I am, he is my son. Are you the new colleague of his, who came here and talked to my mother?" She asked more curiously. " Yes, I am." He stated. " Well, thank you then for cheering my mother up. She misses her only grandson a lot, so does the rest of us. Anyways, is that all you want or can I do something else for you?" She asked, her tone and mood changed for the better. Looking towards Prinz Eugen he said: "I guess so. Can we have two bottles of your alcohol?" The woman nodded and the young engineer paid for two bottles. After his transaction was concluded he walked over to Prinz, package in hand. " So, I made a deal. Two bottles of your choice." He said while looking at the bottles. She looked at him first with a bit of puzzled surprise and then with her signature smile. She took two bottles and handed them to the young engineer. " Here, my coat doesn't have pockets big enough to hold them, but yours look big enough to fit them." Looking at her with a slight bit of annoyance he stuffed one of each bottle in his left and right coat pocket. Nodding towards the woman they made their way towards the door and he said his goodbye to the shopkeeper.

Walking down the street outside again, Prinz opened up the conversation. " Are you always that nice? I mean I did not know what you talked about but your behavior is always understandable. I always thought you are like every mechanic. Grumpy and only kind to those who you like and respect." He chuckled slightly. "Is that how me and my colleagues are perceived?" He asked her, not expecting an answer he continued: "I was brought up to be kind and respectful. Both get you further than demands and rudeness. So far that has worked out for me. But I guess that comment of yours tells me something about you."He chuckled: "Are you jealous that I am nice to others as well?" "Maybe. Maybe you are imagining things. But who could tell?" Was her answer to that.
They continued to walk along the street for some time until they arrived at their destination.

The adventures of Prinz Eugen and the young engineer Volume 1.Where stories live. Discover now