No. 2 Chapter 16

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It took the young engineer two weeks until he could see properly again and he could stop using sunglasses to protect his eyes. His hands needed a bit more to heal but that only inconvenienced him a bit. He would carry away distinct burns on his hands and wrists from the exposure to the Wisdomecube energy. Prinz Eugen and his friends, the other engineers visited him often in the medical wing and helped him out until he could see good enough on his own.

By now he was right back into his normal routine. Although he had decided to sleep more often at home than in the dock for the last couple of weeks. More out of consideration for his friends who started to watch him more closely than out of personal reasons.

Arriving at the dock, he met Otto Wiedling and Fritz Mahler smoking their pipe and cigarette respectively at the entrance to the docks. "There is our mole. Can you see properly again?" Greeted Wiedling him. "Good morning you two. Yes, I can. Here and there it is still a bit unpleasant to look at bright light sources, but otherwise I am fine." He answered. "Well. Are you ready to see what we managed to do during your time off?" Asked Fritz. "Yes please." was the excited answer from the young engineer. The other two engineers finished smoking and then all three of them walked inside. Arriving at destroyer dock 2 the young engineer was gobsmacked.

In the waterway to the dock stood Z-13 her arm was replaced with a mechanical one made out of the same material and components as her rigging was. But she looked altogether different. Less like a little girl but similar in appearance to a young teen. Her combat uniform was also different to the one she had worn before. The young engineer grew uncomfortable with her sight. "I thought that Prinz Eugens combat outfit was more than lacking in terms of skin coverage. But the destroyers seemed to wear even less than the cruisers." Was his uncomfortable realisation. The rigging attached to the changed Shipgirls back and hips was a marvel to behold. What had been a destroyed and unusable wreck weeks ago was now again a mechanical monster that shines in a fresh coat of sea grey, fog grey and hull red. The heads of her rigging looked more menacing than before. They were less rounded and their seemingly round eyes had changed to a more predatory looking shape. The rounded bow shape had changed more to that of an arrowhead. The sea grey head ended with a hullread jaw and instead of a single 12.8cm gun the hull now sported a twin 15cm gunturet on the neck of the tight rigging head and in a superfireing position on the left riggings back it had two single gun turrets. The two quad torpedo launchers were placed on the back of the riggings spine as well and along the spine he could see all the twin and quad 20mm Flak guns they installed, as well as the twin 37mm guns. On the back next to the funnels of the rigging there were the depth charge throwers.

"It all works!" The young engineer exclaimes in euphoria. "It all worked out! And Z-13 is also healed! That is unbelievable!" He yelled in his excitement. "It is. But calm down, you don't need to rupture our ears." Acknowledged Fritz Mahler chuckeling. "No one managed that before, did they?" He asked Wiedling. "Not that I am aware of. So far only Z-1 and Z-23 had a refit after they themselves changed. But no one refitted a ship out of their own initiative." Wiedling agreed. "What I would give to see the faces of those researchers that said that engineers are supervlouse now that there are no more conventional ships around." Cheered Fritz. "We have to send our report and our gathered knowledge to the research departments and admiralty. I dare to say what we managed is groundbreaking." Added Wiedling. "My papers are all done. I only need to add the end conclusion." Agreed the young engineer. "Thank you three for helping me." Interjected now Z-13. "You are welcome." Answered Wiedling. "We would never let any of you hang if we could do something to help you." Added Fritz Mahler. "Yes. If we can help we are happy to." Agreed the young engineer. How are you feeling in your changed body and with the refitted rigging?" Asked the young engineer Z-13 now. "Amazing. I feel stronger and more agile and my Rigging feels like my old did. It's part of me and it also feels like it is stronger." She said with a happy expression on her face. "I can't wait for test runs and training to begin." She cheered.

The adventures of Prinz Eugen and the young engineer Volume 1.Where stories live. Discover now